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Ds50x OP t1_jcpug5s wrote

Reply to comment by SlightlyStoopkid in Boxing gym by Ds50x

Not necessarily but I’m open to it


SlightlyStoopkid t1_jcqzwyw wrote

If you aren’t serious about competing then any gym you can go to consistently is good. You should try free trials at all the gyms near you and decide where you the like the vibe.


Ds50x OP t1_jctuyb0 wrote

What do you recommend if I want to compete?


SlightlyStoopkid t1_jcudvsi wrote

Peter Welch’s or Graelish for boxing. For MMA imo you’re better off learning wrestling and one of the other component arts (jiu jitsu, kickboxing, etc) individually, as opposed to jumping into full MMA right away.