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michael_scarn_21 t1_jdzw4dh wrote

"It's the best transit system in the world and that's why I'm here," Eng said at his introductory news conference at a Green Line station in Newton.

Wow way to show you're either deluded or stupid in your first press conference.


NickEggplant t1_je037i5 wrote

Maybe I’m too optimistic but maybe he’s just trying to show love for the MBTA & its history as the oldest subway in the US. It may not be at its best right now, but the T has a lot of character and a rich history.

I love the MBTA too, that’s why I want it to be better!


morrowgirl t1_je0hog3 wrote

Same, I WANT it to work. And I love public transit. I grew up somewhere rural that was car-dependent and wanted nothing more than not to have to drive everywhere.


NickEggplant t1_je0mi23 wrote

I’m in the exact same boat actually came from a car-dependent area & would always dream of having public transit when I was younger. Really happy to have it now.


KayakerMel t1_je1i8pb wrote

Yup, having lived in Texas I always feel guilty complaining about the MBTA because it at least exists.


brostopher1968 t1_je085ta wrote

It’s called rhetoric, chill the fuck out. He’s trying to rally the troops with optimism and institutional pride.


snorkeling_moose t1_je0hzym wrote

Right? Imagine if he opened his first speech like this:

"Look, this thing is a fucking turd, and I'm not gonna pretend polishing it is gonna help. You're gonna have to learn to enjoy shit sandwiches, losers. If anyone here actually cared about mass transit you wouldn't have let it get to this point. I have half a mind to privatize the entire thing and turn the tunnels into lab space."


warlocc_ t1_je0nir8 wrote

In this state, that probably would have gone over actually quite well.


AnarchyAntelope112 t1_je0lv8n wrote

>"Look, this thing is a fucking turd, and I'm not gonna pretend polishing it is gonna help. You're gonna have to learn to enjoy shit sandwiches, losers.

- Kenny Powers


Tempest_1 t1_je09xim wrote

Ya we can get a good chuckle out of it, dude needs to relax


jerrocks t1_je00m2y wrote

Let’s pretend he was being sarcastic and what he meant was he wouldn’t have still been in Newton if it wasn’t the “best” transit system in the world.


BQORBUST t1_je06hwe wrote

Yeah I can also tell that the successful transit system operator knows nothing based on a single comment


RandyCheeseburgers01 t1_je09ski wrote

I cackled at that when I watched the press conference yesterday. Could we (as Americans) for once admit that we're flailing when it comes to implementing safe, reliable and effective public transit? There's so much to learn from other cities in Europe, east Asia and elsewhere. The whole "we're #1... at everything!" shtick is so tiresome, to me at least.


SkiingAway t1_je17fq2 wrote

> Eng acknowledged that "it's clear MBTA service is not at the level it should be," and hasn't been for a long time. He did not list specific steps he would take on day one, but cited several broad areas that need immediate attention at the T, including safety, reliability, scheduling and finding more workers.

That sounds a lot like someone who is aware it is currently none of the things you mention.


Toffeechu t1_je1bl87 wrote

He knows it's shit. They had to call him in for the job. It's called public speaking.


Marco_Memes t1_je0gefr wrote

I think he’s just trying to be enthusiastic, obviously we all know it’s not the best in the world. With proper funding and management maybe top 10 in the US but we’ve got a loonnnggggg way to go before we crack the top 50 in the world


SpaceBasedMasonry t1_je0bo8p wrote

Beverly Scott pointed out the transit system sucked and they ran her out of here.


kr44ng t1_je12fo5 wrote

You think press conferences are for absolute truth and whining? Or maybe he's smart and playing optics and politics, which are both good for someone in his position.