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okletssee t1_jb2w80y wrote

The "1870s redditors" were right IMO lol. But I think this is a good point overall. Eras just have different styles due to economics, technology, artistic preferences, etc., etc...


calinet6 t1_jb4ta2y wrote

If you read some architecture writing like Christopher Alexander, one of the cool concepts is that architecture is not fixed and changes over time based on the needs of the inhabitants.

I find it cool that the triple deckers are undergoing a second life in many parts of town as people improve them and keep them up, many were turned from three units to two (“Philly style”) to accommodate larger families and more space needs.

We can expect this to happen more and more over time and there’s even some sense that we should build in preparation for change over the life of a building. And a more generic almost malleable style or construction might be just the thing over the long term to be ready for change.

Kinda a cool perspective.