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agent_tits t1_iu1madk wrote

A24 is a distribution company, so they’re tasked with finding and elevating a certain type of unique talent that can fill a perceived market need.

It makes a bit more sense when you put it that way. They’re not absurdly consistent at creating good films, they’re just absurdly consistent about finding them and fitting them into their brand (which I guess is probably easier?) They’re hitting it out of the park. I’m a huge fan of what they put out as well. I’m no film industry expert but I can’t think of a time before when casual movie fans know the name of, and have an affinity for, a distribution company.


waffles2go2 t1_iu25o31 wrote

Yes, they stay "on brand" and interesting in a market full of dreck...


rslashplate t1_iu2d3ol wrote

Yeah their branding and marketing is really, well, remarkable. I’ve seen dozens of items in real life (as well as online ads) of fashion items or other products with their logo or derived from their brand. They really do a great job.


We_renotonmyisland t1_iu57wrj wrote

It works so well too! If I see a movie is from A24 I'll almost always give it a chance. I think because I associate Hereditary and Midsomer with them and those are my two favorite horror movies in recent years.


IronworkRapunzel t1_iu2hz7b wrote

Midsommar, Hereditary, The Lighthouse were all fantastic. Now Hazbin's coming out next summer, so there's more to look out for from them.