
BasicDesignAdvice t1_jdvq6yk wrote

If you don't want to give Amazon money you cannot use a lot of websites. They don't just sell stuff, Amazon Web Services is their most profitable division. You are using it by using reddit.


BasicDesignAdvice t1_jd8zw03 wrote

> I also didn't tell anyone to move so I don't know what the fuck you are tired of......

Please don't pretend the spirit of your previous comments in this thread were not "well just do what I did and your can have a house." That insults the intelligence of everyone reading, and is obnoxious pedantry.


BasicDesignAdvice t1_jd89sz3 wrote

I too can afford a house in a place that I don't want to live, offers no work in my field, is hours away from my family and friends, and requires my children have their lives turned upside down.

So tired of this. The market should be able to bear some level of choice from consumers. The solution of "move far away" is not a good one, and definitely does not work for everyone.


BasicDesignAdvice t1_j2t1ax4 wrote

> \1. They don't have enough high-speed internet

Valid point.

> \2. Less populated towns have small town office staffs that can't complete the paperwork the state requires them to complete

A problem of every state in this country is absolute shit systems for this kind of thing. Major investments in technology and data engineering should be enacted to make everything online and streamlined like in other countries.

They live in a small town and it makes sense they can't keep up. That isn't going to change, the towns are small. The systems need to be updated and training done to make it work better. That isn't likely to change either unfortunately.


BasicDesignAdvice t1_j292e21 wrote

That's a tiny AA meeting. Every one I've been to has at least 10 people.

Also, if you're out there, feeling like you're at rock bottom....go to a meeting. You don't have to commit to AA, but it may be the crutch you need for awhile.

Edit: Also want to point out of you are young, most areas have a young person's group once a week at least. It really helped me when it comes to support.


BasicDesignAdvice t1_j1equfk wrote

The coach is overpaid, not corrupt. The police are corrupt. There is a difference.

That is literally the going rate of a coach for that level of play. Or for a college that wants to elevate their play. Many colleges pay outrageous coach salaries. You can blame the investments in college athletics for the ridiculous salaries. Consumers are driving that, not corruption.

I am much much much more concerned with corruption in the police than I am a basketball team. Since police actually matter and basketball does not. A cop getting cheating $50k is much more dis-concerning to me than someone who is overpaid. That is the difference here.