Submitted by t3_yiddpr in boston

I’ve lived in the greater Boston area my whole life. For the past 4 years have lived in Cambridge and Somerville. Since I have moved to Eagle Hill in east Boston (August 2022) my car has been keyed, dinged, and scrapped unlike anywhere else. Last night my girlfriends car was hit and run while parked.

I’ve noticed the drivers in East Boston seem to be worse than anywhere else in MA. No concept of yielding to pedestrians. No consideration for other drives when people are trying to park/pullout of a driveway, ect. Everyone parks as inefficiently as possible. It’s really soured my experience living here and I’m really dreading the winter.



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t1_iui1hi5 wrote

You speak the unfortunate truth.


OP t1_iui5vst wrote

I would rather deal with southie yuppies (I probably fall closer to these people than most of eagle hill residents in the spectrum of life) than these assholes. Eagle hill is trash and I regret moving here.


t1_iuiftcf wrote

I can’t speak for Eagle Hill specifically, but would say in general the driving/parking etiquette in Eastie is terrible. I think it is probably slightly better the further you get towards Wood Island and Orient Heights where it is less congested. To your point about Southie - lived there for 12 years and it isn’t much better there. In fact I’d say don’t even bother having a car there at all.


t1_iui2cgd wrote

You should strongly consider exacerbating the problem in an non-constructive way by matching their energy. It’s how other communities deal with this sort of behavior.


OP t1_iui5gjd wrote

I think I’m going to sublet and move especially with the upcoming tunnel closure the situation is going to get exponentially worse.

It sounds terrible but one side effect of gentrification is curtailing this bullshit. Maybe in a few years it will be better.


t1_iui8lt2 wrote

> sublet and move especially with the upcoming tunnel closure

If you rely on a car for work, this is a good idea. Weekend tunnel closures already adds a solid 25-30 minutes to driving anywhere. Places that are 15 minutes away are now a 45 minute trek. The 4 months next year with permanent closure will be a nightmare.


t1_iuiph7m wrote

Do you absolutely need two cars? Because no offense, you are part of the problem in eastie. People act this way because there is simply not enough space for everyone to park, because everyone needs a car and won't let it go.


OP t1_iuk3vxn wrote

My girlfriend lives in Worcester and does not live with me. Was parked overnight as is allowed on a Sunday. I work in metro west so yes I need a car


t1_iuk6g2k wrote

Talk about burying the lede!! What are you doing in freakin East Boston of all places if you need to commute to metro west ???


OP t1_iuk9mnr wrote

On paper, it’s a straight shot on the pike. Google maps had me about 40 mins door to door. However I was rushing to find housing and didn’t realize the tunnel was being closed full time until after I signed.

Edit: also, I do like living in the city. I’m only 27 with no kids so very much wanted to be in or near Boston.


t1_iuj2b8k wrote

You're preaching to the choir, unfortunately. You're more likely to see a cop parked at a bus stop to pick up takeout in Eagle Hill than you are to see one actually policing the crazy drivers. If a pedestrian doesn't die in a crosswalk soon, I'll be shocked.


t1_iujd2j7 wrote

i got rid of my car here, best decision ever. no more paying for todisco's kids' college funds.


t1_iujltgh wrote

Todisco has recently gotten in trouble for tow8ng cars just for the fun of it


t1_iujf5sj wrote

East Boston + anything to do with cars and drivers = the fucking worst.


t1_iuir79s wrote

why did you get keyed


OP t1_iuk3rzb wrote

Near Condor and Putnam


t1_iuk3yzt wrote

no I meant why , someone thinks they own the spot in front of their house?


OP t1_iuka4mp wrote

No idea. Possibly. I walked out to go to work and there was a big key down the entirety of back right door


t1_iujmvd4 wrote

Angry Italian-American uncles and chaotic 3rd-world immigrants.

Worst of all driving worlds.


t1_iuk3bin wrote

I’ve been saying this for years. Never in my life have I had to slam on my brakes so much because of others running stop signs. I almost hit a kid flying down Bennington on an electric scooter a few weeks ago who just decided to run the red light. He was inches from my car.

And parking is the least efficient thing ever. People will parallel park so far away from the next car and leave just enough space that you miiiiiiight be able to squeeze a small car in there…oh wait, no you definitely can’t. I say every night to myself as I walk back to my apartment from parking 4 blocks away, “we could’ve fit like 10 more cars on this block alone”.


t1_iuileze wrote

I got a car last year and it was keyed the day I brought it to my place in the city. There was a couple of weeks where a guy keyed 100+ cars near maverick for no reason.


t1_iujcf1j wrote

I don’t know if blaming East Boston locals is right. Not many East Boston people in eagle hill any more. Southie is worse.


t1_iujhk0x wrote

If you have a car and live in Eastie and park like a POS it's fair game


t1_iuk82u3 wrote

I would be careful if your new to East Boston and doing things to peoples cars because you don’t like the way they park. East Boston has produce some of the scariest mfs this city has ever seen. I’m not talking about Halloween scary I’m talking about I can fit two bodies in the trunk of my fleetwood scary


t1_iuk93mk wrote

Yeah, I don't have a car but have a spot and don't disagree. I've seen some insanely stupid parking shit and equally stupid driving/driver behavior.


t1_iui82z5 wrote

The area has a disproportionate number of teenagers and teenaged drivers. The High School is right here. I'm not surprised.


t1_iuijlh4 wrote

This might be.. The worst take I've ever read. Half the kids are taking the train from downtown.. The other half walk or take the bus. This isn't Newton my man, where the juniors and seniors are driving their dad's Tesla to school.


t1_iuilke2 wrote

I'm not saying they're taking their teslas to school. I'm mostly saying they drive 20 year old beaters around the neighborhood, and ding their cars up when they poorly parallel park. I see it happen.


t1_iujs1ys wrote

I live over by wood island and Bennington is a formula one track


t1_iujx3w9 wrote

Tearing up half the roads, replacing them, tearing up again, cutting out utilities and repatchibg them poorly doesn’t help that god forsaken place, can’t wait until the summer is closed next year