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_____A_Username_____ t1_iuinl8p wrote

> American flagged vessels

The ship also has to be built in the U.S., which there are no such LNG ships in existence.


gnimsh t1_iuj9wc1 wrote

So like, build the ships here and staff them with Americans? can't we do that? Or would that only be profitable half the year so we won't?


TywinShitsGold t1_iujmwq4 wrote

Takes too long to pay the investment off if LNG is scheduled to be decommissioned.

Now if we could get Cuomo and the NY establishment to stop being an absolute dick about pipelines, we could plug into the “western” US pipeline supply and compete with the “rest” of the country on LNG price. Except he won’t let new pipelines cross NY, so New England is stuck shipping the stuff.

Because pipelines are apparently not green enough (because they pipe LNG), but shipping it around the world and back is the right answer (because we need it).


_____A_Username_____ t1_iujrc8c wrote

True but let's acknowledge that people in Mass are blocking gas lines to NH and Maine for pretty much the same NIMBY reasons of "don't help me none".

The feds should have stepped in long ago, but they don't usually do shit until there's a crisis at which point it's too late. Well, come February, we might just have that crisis opportunity.


gnimsh t1_iuk81ip wrote

Ok but psa cuomo is no longer ny governor.