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MojitoSipper t1_iu4r3c9 wrote

When I was that age I would bring stuff to school to show to my friend because I thought it was cool. Kid probably brought it to school not knowing how deadly a gun could be and the drama it brings in this current environment. Blame should be on the parents for not being responsible gun owners and locking it up properly.

I doubt the kid was going to do something malicious with it.


User-NetOfInter t1_iu4vm8a wrote

“Look at what I found under my parents bed!!!”

Wouldn’t be surprised if this was what he was going to tell his friends verbatim


escapefromelba t1_iu575z6 wrote

Just happened this week in my son's junior high - kid brought in a pellet gun to sell to another kid - they tried to do the exchange in the cafeteria at lunch. Both suspended.

Moral of the story is kids are dumb.


-OmarLittle- t1_iu5qvan wrote

I was little older than 6. My friends and I would regularly bring our realistic-looking, battery-powered AK-47 water guns into the woods and set off fireworks pretending we were shooting. One random day, the cops were called on us and officers confiscated our water guns but didn't find our fireworks in our backpacks. Our parents weren't called either.

I'm grateful that happened bc it could've ended a lot, lot worst. Thank goodness they don't sell real-looking water guns like that anymore. Stupid kids!


gimpwiz t1_iu6m8fm wrote

I bought a bullet keychain from the USS Intrepid museum gift shop and brought it to school - even at the time I knew it might get me into serious trouble but I still showed it off. Children aren't terribly smart.

(Yes it's harmless but when has that stopped schools?)