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frenetix t1_iu5kscf wrote

I'm generally pro-2A, and I don't care if you want to sleep with a loaded gun under your pillow with your arms around a warm AR-15 if that's what you're into, that's your right. But the right to be in control of a device that is intended to kill others ("save your life", as you say, since when you shoot someone you don't have any control if they live or die), implies that you should also have the responsibility to not let that firearm into the hands of someone who could use it to harm themselves or others. Like a 7 year old. Or a thief. And that having that responsibility means you should face consequences for letting that happen. So if you don't want to lock your shit up, it's on you if it goes missing and causes harm.

I enjoy shooting, but I don't own my own guns because I don't want to bear that responsibility. If you do, that's great, but you should pay the consequences if you fuck up.


Smith-WessonPat t1_iu5n49t wrote

Did you read a single thing I said? My two bedroom pistols are in a safe that my 7 and 9 year old kids can't get into. Since they are in the safe, why would I put a trigger lock on them? The safe is going to slow me down enough as it is in an emergency but it is a necessary thing. Having to then remove a trigger lock and load the gun after opening the safe makes absolutely zero sense.


frenetix t1_iu5p9ei wrote

You do you, my man. All I'm saying is that in exchange for being prepared for an emergency in this way, you should bear the responsibility if things get out of your control.


Smith-WessonPat t1_iu5ptpr wrote

What is getting out of my control with having my guns in a safe in my bedroom? This is insanity.