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t1_ixklkvz wrote

Architect here. I wouldn’t go this far, but changes need to be made. The funny and sad part is that some towns have changed their zoning recently but there are still holdouts on most boards who will vote down projects that are as-of-right under the rules they wrote.


t1_ixorg78 wrote

Interesting. If something is by right, why would the zoning board be involved? Do they still approve/disapprove by right proposals?


t1_ixov2mh wrote

It depends on the municipality but in the case of that particular project it’s technically a planning board so it’s both design review and zoning review. The hearing is for all projects of a certain size and also serves as the public meeting. They wrote the zoning and oversee it, but because it’s not strictly a zoning board there is subjectivity in the approvals.

It’s a joke and the night before our hearing and a month after we submitted all the required documentation the deputy planner sent us a list of questions that pretty much showed they didn’t know their own zoning rules nor did they spend the time to thoroughly review what we submitted. Every response was basically “see submission” or “that’s not actually what the zoning code states”.


t1_ixmbj6w wrote

These boards shouldn’t even exist. They’re filled with people with no professional qualifications other than being old and wealthy