Fading_Giant t1_iy4c6uo wrote
Where is this?
Fauznaut OP t1_iy4dq1k wrote
Honestly I forgot to take a specific note when I saw it. But based on my Google maps timeline it looks like I was walking from the chinatown gate to North Station. It was right next to a crosswalk in an intersection so it would be hard to miss.
Fauznaut OP t1_iy4e3yf wrote
I figured that the original guy was retired, still cool to see a tribute in the wild though.
Fauznaut OP t1_iy4hucn wrote
Agree. I think the actual message of the tiler(s) has never been totally sane, but they are fascinating.
ArmlessGeodude t1_iy4j4xv wrote
There was a documentary about that person
juanzy t1_iy4l8ix wrote
Right. They’re fun as entertainment, but worried about people taking them too seriously. Honestly, same thought about conspiracy theories. Fun to read about, but have way too much sway on some people.
stoplightrave t1_iy4phsg wrote
Lincoln at Essex. On the north side of the intersection
miguk t1_iy4po75 wrote
There are multiple ones between the Financial District and Government Center. All are in the middle of the road, so don't stare at them too long.
[deleted] t1_iy5cscb wrote
juanzy t1_iy5daaw wrote
No, I think people should be taught during compulsory education years how to vet sources, critically think, and understand what they’re reading. We always tell people to “not believe everything they hear” then don’t give them tools to properly do their own research.
[deleted] t1_iy5dgd9 wrote
TheGodDamnDevil t1_iy5orbr wrote
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
vangaurd1234523 t1_iy8fm9d wrote
This is the one by South Station right?
Thank you OP for finally making me look up what the hell it was as I always forgot by the time I actually got on the train
FlamingHotPanda t1_iy3yq7n wrote
Never seen this before. Dope!