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737900ER OP t1_ivp71tj wrote

Yeah, I don't think I saw a single "No on 4" ad.


theliontamer37 t1_ivp7ekl wrote

Because there’s nothing they could say. They’re going to drive either way so why not make it legal.


oneMadRssn t1_ivpcne7 wrote

I hate that argument, and I don't think it's correct. It should be: "They’re going to drive either way so why not [force them to have car insurance so you're not screwed when they crash into you]."


Proof-Variation7005 t1_ivpaxaf wrote

Plus, who's even got the vested interest in the "no" result. There's nobody who really gains from a no vote. You can push for it on nationalism/fear of immigrants, I guess but most people who fund campaign ads are focused more on something that impacts them financially. Even when a politician weaponizes that kind of fear, it's just the attention grabber. The big money conservative donors cared way more about Trump getting that tax law than a wall.


bakingandengineering t1_ivqi0qu wrote

I was surprised to see a "No on 4" sign near my neighborhood. Seemed like a regular working class home. In my experience, a lot of the anti-license individuals are just racist.


itskaiquereis t1_ivtlm02 wrote

My neighbor was telling me that now all the illegals are going to vote cause they have legal identification to show. Clearly brains is something that lacks amongst those people.


pillbinge t1_ivpczvf wrote

That’s a dumb argument. People are going to commit all types of crime, big or small. We don’t legalize literally everything because of that.


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivpdpog wrote

To get a driver's license in Mexico, you need to provide proof of legal status. Let that sink in.


jamesland7 t1_ivpq9c7 wrote

and thats bad policy. We should do everything Mexico does?


MoreGuitarPlease t1_ivpj3w1 wrote

We obviously need a better immigration and enforcement policy in the macroeconomic sense, but you’re less likely to be screwed in the microeconomic sense with this law in place.

But you’re right this is a bandaid that does nothing to solve the real issue.


bakgwailo t1_ivrp8bt wrote

> To get a driver's license in Mexico, you need to provide proof of legal status. Let that sink in.

Too bad most of our illegals here in Boston aren't from Mexico. Many are from Ireland though - maybe we need to build a wall...


ahecht t1_ivtzhbz wrote

I saw several No on 4 ads that blatantly lied by saying it would allow illegal immigrants to vote.