sm4269a t1_ivq65lr wrote
They should be revoking licenses, not giving more out.
repthe732 t1_ivqsi5z wrote
Why? That just means more unlicensed, uninsured drivers on the road that will run from an accident
sm4269a t1_ivtk2bm wrote
Have you seen the way people drive?
No it doesn't. That's fallacious logic.
repthe732 t1_ivtyzbl wrote
I didn’t say it will make people better drivers. I said they’d be less likely to run from an accident which is true
sm4269a t1_ivu0rso wrote
It will enable more cars on the road, the opposite of what our city needs. Cars leave the scene of accidents all the time for the simple fact they think they can avoid liability. Giving out more licenses won't change that.
repthe732 t1_ivu5c5c wrote
Many of those people are already driving just without licenses.
But if those people that flee have insurance they’ll still end up being held financially liable and if they have insurance it will cover the damages to the other persons car. This is exactly why it’s better to have everyone licensed and insured
sm4269a t1_ivusb22 wrote
Many people are not driving because of the deterrent effect.
They'll only be liable if they're caught and from my experience there is a good chance they never are.
repthe732 t1_ivuwc6d wrote
It’s not much of a deterrent when in many parts of the state you need a car to get anywhere
And it’s better if they are caught for them to have insurance. It’s also easier to catch them if their car is registered. If the car is registered then they’re required to have insurance
DanieXJ t1_ivrlpfc wrote
Just because you get a driver's license doesn't mean you will get insurance. They are 2 totally different (insurance goes with the car).
But, now we'll have illegal non-citizens on the voting rolls too... I mean where could that go wrong. Fuck us all.
repthe732 t1_ivrwcqg wrote
They’re different but not unrelated.
Having your license doesn’t mean you’re automatically on the voter rolls
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