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UsernameTaken93456 t1_j1wj17k wrote

Nope. Please don't guess.

I'm trying to do an actual good thing here


riski_click t1_j1ws5ro wrote

The good thing to do would be to turn it in to the MBTA. I'll bet you dollars to donuts whomever lost it does not hang out in this subreddit.


Life0fRiley t1_j1wxkds wrote

Yea this is truly the best solution. The quicker you get it to the MBTA or authorities, the sooner it gets processed. So when the person finally checks in, they may connect the two. Holding onto to wait for Reddit only increases the chance of a miss connection when the owner checks once and gives up.


UsernameTaken93456 t1_j1x7e5j wrote

The Charlie Card is a pay as you go, not registered to anyone.


riski_click t1_j1x8nyf wrote

If they have a "MyCharlie" account, it's registered to them, that's the whole point. It doesn't change the appearance of the card.

Regardless, when someone loses something on the T, they usually call the MBTA as soon as they notice it's missing, they don't go to r/boston to see if someone picked up a wallet full of cash and brought it home with them. If the owner calls the MBTA now to say they lost their wallet, the MBTA isn't going to have it.