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ipsissimus666 OP t1_j1wpz77 wrote

Looking for supplemental income to afford a room.

Found out about this in an article.

Any tentative programs in Boston or MA you guys heard about?


jkjeeper06 t1_j1wrggl wrote

Even in Chelsea, it wasn't a universal program. It was only a small subset of applicants as a part of a study utilizing grants from charitable foundations. I haven't read about any upcoming programs in Boston


Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j1wt6gd wrote

Yup. It was a limited study. I'd not expect any more free money until the next one rolls around, if ever.


[deleted] t1_j1wuypd wrote



Chippopotanuse t1_j1wxt7w wrote

I missed the article where Chelsea was the second most expensive city. It has a median income of $28k. What drugs (other than being a conservative) are you on?


Sloth_are_great t1_j1wz4lu wrote

Maybe you should move to a state that more aligns with your values. Fucking hell.


ipsissimus666 OP t1_j1wvgc5 wrote

I don’t want your money. I want to survive.

If you want to tell me I’m not good enough to live here just say it.

How about everyone’s fucking taxes being plundered by criminals in business and government?

I’ll earn my keep, but I need every advantage I can get right now.


Yeti_of_the_Flow t1_j1yqnu3 wrote

I’m sorry you were downvoted for asking about this topic. I can only assume those doing the downvoting are insufferable pieces of shit / bots.


ipsissimus666 OP t1_j1z9yko wrote

It’s fine. I shouldn’t be asking for help from you guys.


Yeti_of_the_Flow t1_j1zfdqv wrote

Nah, it’s a perfectly good and fine thing to ask about. It’s insane anybody would have been upset about it.