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pillbinge t1_j2ewz14 wrote

It's been so long since someone posted in response a study or official link to something as a way obfuscate a discussion. Even longer since I've seen someone shoot themselves in not one foot but both.

>"cloth masks did not produce a statistically significant difference"

Kids aren't wearing cloth masks. Those masks aren't handed out. Cloth masks are made of cloth. The masks being handed out are surgical masks, and many wear better variants. Kids are wearing surgical and respirator masks, which have an increased chance at blocking the spread of COVID - which is all these things ever aim for. The flu vaccine, for instance, is never 100% effective. It doesn't even need to be. Same with masks.

If you can find a school handing out cloth masks, or asking kids to wear cloth masks, you let them know about that study. Otherwise, the disposable masks people are wearing aren't cloth lmao