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withrootsabove t1_j20lm2i wrote

Did the rumor that the Krafts were involved with the group that bought the closed Exxon plant end up being true? If it is that would be a really good sign.


eddpaul t1_j20udar wrote

I don't think I've heard anything about that.

Last I remember there was something being rushed through the state legislature to allow a stadium to be easily built on that land. It failed at the last vote before being signed off by the Governor a few months ago.

I wouldn't be surprised though if we hear more about this location next year.


Junior-Arrival6299 t1_j21n08c wrote

I thought it was the wonderland dog track. Where is the Exxon plant located?


withrootsabove t1_j21sgoo wrote

That was the big one they missed. The Suffolk Downs location would’ve been perfect. And looks like it’s the Exelon plant, not Exxon. Across the street from Encore. The plant is closing and a developer bought all that land. I read a rumor a while ago that the Krafts were involved with the purchasing group. But wasn’t sure if it turned out to be true.


joshhw OP t1_j23w49l wrote

it hasn't been announced yet if so. It is rumored due to the state house trying to pass that bill to skirt environmental law in that area for the stadium.