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nflreject t1_j1fyvwh wrote

Is that van wearing a condom?


frogsiege t1_j1gossr wrote

Yeah it’s so more vans won’t be born and take up valuable parking real estate


zulutbs182 t1_j1gozss wrote

Have your sedans spayed and neutered folks!


DMala t1_j1gwjf3 wrote

What is going on there? DIY fix for a leaky windshield? The way the wind has been, I'm surprised the van hasn't gone sailing around the city like the Mary Celeste.


gimpwiz t1_j1h7ibv wrote

Either a temporary fix while the van is parked, or someone's idea to prevent ice on the windshield (pull off the plastic when you need to go.)


Id_Solomon t1_j1js78j wrote

Just came home after --



riski_click t1_j1fxy2r wrote

This pic is like "space savers" meets "Silent Hill"


SmashRadish t1_j1fwkae wrote

Yo where is this. I’ll come take them myself. Those car ramps are useful as is that chair.


Robobvious t1_j1h2rxo wrote

You’re a risk taker SmashRadish. I would be hesitant to trust my life to someone else’s old car ramps that they now use as space savers.


SmashRadish t1_j1h4dyl wrote

I was going to use them to anchor the tarp covering the disintegrating cedar shingles on my triple decker, but that thing blew away a while ago.


Yak_Rodeo t1_j1hs8v3 wrote

hes not a risk taker, just screwing over some unsuspecting person who parks there after


Robobvious t1_j1k6gwx wrote

No he isn’t, if they get their windows smashed in that is entirely on the person who smashed their windows because that’s an unreasonable reaction.


Yak_Rodeo t1_j1k7anh wrote

no shit, but if im looking for a spot to park id rather avoid the spot some random is going to smash my windows in


Robobvious t1_j1k89sc wrote

Better save your space with a space saver then! /s


Dontleave t1_j1hq7q4 wrote

Looks like Amherst St to me. I drove past at 5pm to pick up Chinese food and saw these out there and got real annoyed but was too hungry to post about it


michael_scarn_21 t1_j1g2dx5 wrote

311 report "trash left in street, please collect".


i-am-garth t1_j1gkgb6 wrote

The trash isn’t in the street so much as the houses on the street …


Carthago_146_BC t1_j1fzq2n wrote

No. Kick those fucking things out of the street. They haven’t shoveled anything, they don’t deserve the spot.

Unless they’re old people. They’re cool.


IRGood t1_j1gmch6 wrote

That’s how you get your windows broken. These peeps are savages.


SmashRadish t1_j1hbgte wrote

Parking in someone else’s spot has killed more men than cancer.


eatacookie111 t1_j1g6xjs wrote

Those strong winds may throw that chair through a window.


booknerdcoffeeaddict t1_j1g6ljd wrote

Lol. Expecting “snow” so they put their snow savers out. I would honestly pick them all up and move them


lurkingonya t1_j1gckiq wrote

If if snowed and they were just sitting there they would just be annihilated by the plows


Trimere t1_j1gseqr wrote

I used to hit the plastic chairs sending them flying with my work truck. Or run them over.


ramplocals t1_j1hl6lx wrote

They cancelled school on Friday for 50 degrees and Sunshine mixed with showers. They were following the advice of local superintendent on emergency preparedness.


wingson010 t1_j1fzim7 wrote

There’s so much to talk about in this picture


danbyer t1_j1hvfbj wrote

I’m proud to say that in all my years living, working, and driving in Boston, I never once used a space saver. When I moved to JP in 2001ish, somebody put out a chair for a space saver and it was quickly moved to the sidewalk with a note like “we don’t do this here.” I was thrilled. I had found my people! But within a couple years, any time there was even the threat of snow, space savers had become common practice.


nina_rae_ t1_j1jd5bo wrote

But what good would a space saver be before the snow? Won't it just get snowed on and then you'd still have to shovel the spot??


danbyer t1_j1jdw68 wrote

If you’re the kind of person that thinks shoveling a spot makes it yours, it’s not much of stretch to believe that placing a space saver before a storm is a declaration of your intention to shovel it later. If you’re going to screw over your neighbors and call dibs on a public parking spot, you might as well pick one in front of your house.


i-am-garth t1_j1gkd34 wrote

Let the entitlement begin!


jamesland7 t1_j1gjf3f wrote

We had a storm. Trash got blown everywhere


Dontleave t1_j1hqeho wrote

This was sometime around 5pm because I saw them as well and I’m almost certain I know who left these out. I think it’s “heavy laden trailer guy” if you’re in the neighborhood you know.


metabeliever t1_j1gjvrc wrote

Nearly every picture of every street on this subreddit has me thinking "I lived in that neighborhood, didn't I?"


camlaw63 t1_j1gobgf wrote

Between the space savers and the van, I can’t even


UmassBenjimami t1_j1gg1ah wrote

So we’re not gonna talk about the fake fucking body on the ground?


estrangelove t1_j1gy23g wrote

the what??


UmassBenjimami t1_j1huzcv wrote

Zoom in on the piece on the floor that’s 2nd closest to the vehicle with headlights on…. Fake ass looking dude!! At least looks like a fake head.. no way those eye sockets and mouth are shadows


estrangelove t1_j1hv7lw wrote

I guess i see what your saying, it has an angry looking face right? I dont think it’s a fake body i think it’s just light and shadows on some weird debris.


UmassBenjimami t1_j1i5j22 wrote

Idk that’s the first thing I looked at and thought was why they posted in the first place. The real shadows are coming towards the camera, that is dark af there because the light is hitting what looks like a fake head or some shit but it’s not casting onto the actual face


phlukeri t1_j1gyhfb wrote

Southie? Allston? Charlestown? Dorchester?


linuxknight t1_j1h2zd7 wrote

/r/Dorchester is leaking again


Macjonesdefisntgay t1_j1jrhsh wrote

You know this entire city been taken over by gentrifiers when they can’t recognize our long system of dibs


DoodMonkey t1_j1iq7x3 wrote

All I see is trash in the street.


MayaIngenue t1_j1j2br3 wrote

What? Ohh sorry I didn't know this spot was reserved. A chair? I saw one over there. Must have been the wind.


goddess599 t1_j1j3cwe wrote

I guess the van owner don’t want to scrape off snow or ice lol


Id_Solomon t1_j1jrzik wrote


This can be a really cool movie poster!!


Hi_Jynx t1_j1rfu4m wrote

This just makes me more upset that there's no snow.


k3ptek t1_j1jp02l wrote

I don’t get it


ParkingLavishness704 t1_j1goc2m wrote

Crazy ass wind today, i bet it flew off someones deck/porch and smacked into shit.


IRGood t1_j1gm977 wrote

If you grew up in Southie don’t fuck anyone from southie cause you’re prolly related. Haha


from_dust t1_j1fzck5 wrote

new to boston?


thatcrazycactus13 OP t1_j1g2bbz wrote

Nope. There is no snow in the forecast for the next TEN days. I don't understand having the gall to "save" 4 parking spots.


from_dust t1_j1g53cv wrote

oh, jeez, that is overkill. Douches gonna douche.


IRGood t1_j1gmexp wrote

So, new to Boston haha
