
danbyer t1_j6l2j0o wrote

Hell yeah. I spend a lot of time in VT and I try to get to HF at least once a year. I agree that their offerings are incredible and the location is idyllic.

But I’m an unashamed TH addict. :P Now that it’s so handy to me, I’ve been trying all the non-DIPA styles and they’re all amazing. They’ve got like 75 offerings on the menu and they just keep coming. I can’t keep up!


danbyer t1_j1jdw68 wrote

Reply to comment by nina_rae_ in WTF?? by thatcrazycactus13

If you’re the kind of person that thinks shoveling a spot makes it yours, it’s not much of stretch to believe that placing a space saver before a storm is a declaration of your intention to shovel it later. If you’re going to screw over your neighbors and call dibs on a public parking spot, you might as well pick one in front of your house.


danbyer t1_j1hvfbj wrote

Reply to WTF?? by thatcrazycactus13

I’m proud to say that in all my years living, working, and driving in Boston, I never once used a space saver. When I moved to JP in 2001ish, somebody put out a chair for a space saver and it was quickly moved to the sidewalk with a note like “we don’t do this here.” I was thrilled. I had found my people! But within a couple years, any time there was even the threat of snow, space savers had become common practice.


danbyer t1_iycf6c7 wrote

Sure I would. I would analogize your cat situation to someone who would only date say, somebody they met through church. Sure, that happens, but thankfully it’s quite rare because that would be an extremely small, extremely select, and extremely prejudiced selection of dating options when there are literally billions of qualified mate options being ignored.


danbyer t1_iy4kspk wrote

In that case, my ideal setup would be a tow-behind Cyclone Rake. My neighbor has one and it looks incredible. I've only got 2 big oaks, so I just give those spots a few extra mulching passes and it breaks them down just fine. I can't justify buying the Cyclone Rake no matter how hard I try :/


danbyer t1_iy28py4 wrote

I’ve got about 3/4 acre of lawn to mow and a loooong driveway+parking to snow blow. I use an older John Deere D130 ride-on mower with a 4’ snowblower attachment in the Winter. It’s pretty damn dreamy.

Oh, and in the fall I blow the leaves onto the lawn and mulch in place. Hauling them away is just taking away nutrients.