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pillbinge t1_j203em8 wrote

Do they need to? It seems like they don't, and in some cases, not doing so benefits them. That's sort of one of the benefits of having real power in negotiations. I even wish other unions would exercise it, like nurses' and teachers'. Instead, the latter two often do the "right" thing and get royally fucked, with no benefit (see: COVID). Police unions seem to have the best ones out there, to our dismay at times.

Is this really a complaint about changing times or whatever cliché there is, or is it a complaint about the power of unions? I don't see the Globe believing in anyone but neoliberal, hyper-individualists, with the occasional piece about the greater good.

Per usual, with the Globe, and with these pieces, everything can be halted by someone just not playing along. So why should I care about an opinion piece like this?


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j217qrr wrote

What are the “new realities of policing?”

It’s paywalled so I can’t see what the proposed reforms are and how they’d impact public safety.

If someone can list them out that’d be great