Submitted by t3_zdlvcu in boston

This cat has been staying outside my apartment for like a week now. Does anyone recognize this cat? Brighton area, near Boston college. I'm also posting in the Brighton subreddit, but it's not as active, so I thought I'd post here too.

Update: I gave it a tin of cat food yesterday. It ate it, then disappeared. I put more food out for it tonight, with a box and a towel like a little bed, and an umbrella for cover. I hope it comes back tonight.



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t1_iz277nv wrote

Here’s the MSPCA’s contact page and information for found pets.


t1_iz2qjbk wrote

It looks very similar to this cat that is reported missing around that area:


OP t1_iz2z3a0 wrote

That's a long way for a cat to go from Highland and Lowell to Boston College area, but it does look like the cat. I'll give them a call.


OP t1_j058sft wrote

Update: This was not the cat, unfortunately, but the owners were really nice and we managed to get the cat closer than I've ever been to it. I fed it out of my window - it may not be a lost cause after all. I'll keep trying to lure it inside and hope that I can keep it safe and warm until I can take it in to get scanned for a microchip.


t1_iz2764l wrote

He looks too plump to be a stray. Someone's missing their buddy and hopefully they get him back home soon.


OP t1_iz27ofz wrote

That's what I'm thinking, too. Poor thing just hides in the corner of the building.


t1_iz282kv wrote

Poor guy. Hopefully someone is looking for him and they find him before he gets brave enough to leave. Good of you to post his picture and fingers crossed he gets home.


t1_iz2mm3k wrote



OP t1_iz2y1lf wrote

I did leave some out for him and he ate it, but now he's not there any more. I'll call the Cat Connection tomorrow and see what they say. Thank you!


t1_iz4iw2t wrote

Gifford cat shelter too right off lake St. by BC. There’s also a feral colony in Brighton that is known/fed by volunteers but this guy looks too plump and is acting more like a scared lost pet than a seasoned feral from what you’re describing.


OP t1_iz24zp5 wrote

Just noting that my apartment is directly above the basement, where the boiler is. The ground is probably warm, so I'm not too worried about it just yet. I want to find this cat's home before it starts snowing, though.

Edit: I called animal control and they told me they can't do anything about stray cats and I can call their shelter tomorrow to see if anyone reported it. I'll do that too.


t1_iz28p4v wrote



OP t1_iz297ui wrote

Huh. I didn't post there yet, no.


t1_iz29vq9 wrote



OP t1_iz2b1b3 wrote

I just requested to join. I hope he gets found soon. If it starts snowing, I think I may get a temporary houseguest.


t1_iz3cnqw wrote

can you be more specific about what area? There’s a cat that looks like this that lives on Nottinghill Road and is often outside. He has an owner and is only outside on warmish days when it’s light out.


OP t1_iz3d45i wrote

That's pretty close to the area. This cat has been outside the whole time though, not just when it's light out.


t1_iz29ipg wrote

Cat looks sick.


OP t1_iz2aamh wrote

I don't know anything about cats, but I've never seen a cat act like that. He just stays in one spot for hours at a time, just staring. He cleans himself and he does look up at me when I go to the window, but it is a bit odd to me. Again, though, I don't know if this is normal cat behavior. I don't think he's rabid or anything. He might've been looking at a squirrel or a bird in this picture. He's facing a little courtyard.


t1_iz2w0ts wrote

Do you feel comfortable going out and picking him up? If you can catch him and can get him to any vet they can scan for a microchip. Assuming the cat has one they could have him home to his family in a couple hours. That cat looks like someone’s pet for sure!

If not you should call the Cat connection, they could probably send someone to come get him and get him scanned being so close by!


OP t1_iz2y74z wrote

I do not feel comfortable picking him up :/ I left some food out for him and he ate it, but he's nowhere to be seen now. I hope he finds his way home. I'll look for him tomorrow and reach out to the Cat Connection in the meantime.

Thank you!


t1_iz2yryl wrote

OP - I messaged you. I have two cats of my own and feel for this cat. If he/she comes back, can you ping me? I will come and get it and keep it at my apartment until we find a solution. That cat shouldn't be out in the cold and rain.


t1_iz3agdr wrote

Before you move the cat, make sure its not just a outdoor cat..