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Psirocking t1_j2964hu wrote

But they can’t demolish that eyesore on Pleasant Street 🙄


3720-To-One OP t1_j29i4dz wrote

Brookline NIMBYs gonna NIMBY 🤷‍♂️


bostexa t1_j29ymy8 wrote

Is the hotel+condos project not moving forward?


mpjjpm t1_j29xmor wrote

You mean the one wrapped in black mesh? It’s coming down eventually, along with the parking deck behind it. To be replaced with condos and a hotel. The most recent records I’ve seen are from April 2022, but they’re at the stage of nit-picking color selection for the building facades.


bostexa t1_j29yhrp wrote

Oh the one near Beacon St that is supposed to turn into a hotel and apartments? Yeah, it's taking a while