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Chippopotanuse t1_j59zgkg wrote

Does the name in your police report match the name of that guy?


Fun_Aerie5234 OP t1_j5ae10v wrote

I just requested it, so I will find out.


Chippopotanuse t1_j5at104 wrote

If it’s the same person, I’d call the FBI or Mass AG if the local cops aren’t taking this seriously enough. The fact that a cop said there was “nothing to be worried about” when they verified this guy is outside your windows at 4:45am is beyond alarming to me.

Such a scary thing to have had happened. I’m so sorry.

Maybe also consider talking to a detective about getting a protective order against the person so that gives cops a prosecutable reason to arrest him if he is near your residence ever again. Normally you need 3 instances of abuse to get them in Mass, but there might be exceptions that apply for this person.


Fun_Aerie5234 OP t1_j5bifp8 wrote

Yeah if anything else happens or it ends up being the same guy I am going directly to the police station to talk to someone face to face. And if it is the same guy I will be pissed and see what I can do, that man is clearly a danger to people!