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Witty-Milk-5924 t1_j66bswg wrote

Yeah I mean there is a discussion to be had about how society truly doesn’t not care about there after effects of pregnancy and mental illnesses that can come out of it nor proving the necessary care, like all that is valid but it’s very disturbing how I have yet to see a post that sympathizes with the two fucking children dead, the baby who will be traumatized for the rest of their life and the husband who now has to live with the reality of two children dead and a baby holding to dear life and the murderer being his wife who will never see the outside world. I personally am always gonna have more sympathy for the kids.


[deleted] t1_j66codb wrote

Me too. I truly do not understand how the kids were allowed to stay in the home with an actively psychotic person. ETA: you can believe if this wasn’t a well to do family in duxbury and there was a psychotic parent in dorchester these kids would have been removed


TalentedCilantro12 t1_j66l6n5 wrote

I do agree there should be more attention to mentally ill individuals who commit murders, pregnant or not. BUT it does take a lot to remove a kid from the household whether they are from Dorchester or anywhere else.


[deleted] t1_j66mu8j wrote

I understand. But when children are at risk of being killed and there is not a dedicated 24/7 shift worker keeping eyes on the psychotic person, how did anyone think it was ok for the kids to stay there? The father was working from home, taking care of the kids and managing a psychotic person by himself? That is unmanageable for one person


TalentedCilantro12 t1_j66neg6 wrote

You are right but doing something like that is very hard to do in the community. Hopefully the mental health providers watched her carefully and if she had any sort of statements implying suicidal/homicidal thoughts they would have her in a facility with 24/7 monitoring.


[deleted] t1_j66n2l2 wrote

And I don’t necessarily mean that DCF needed to get involved but maybe have family members take the kids until it was safe?


TalentedCilantro12 t1_j66nkwi wrote

That's actually pretty much the standard for kids who are abused, etc. I just hope the place she was attending for care made suggestions to not leave her alone, etc and hopefully family or friends could have stepped up to help (if husband told them about it)


[deleted] t1_j66cvdj wrote

I really hate to tell you that the baby has also died. These innocent kids are the real victims. They did not have the ability to get up and leave. They were at the mercy of their parents