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yo_soy_soja t1_j5ora2q wrote

Tbf, it's $10m of some rich dude's money. Our taxes didn't pay for it.


gacdeuce t1_j5p04ra wrote

What do you think is going to maintain it for years to come?


link0612 t1_j5p4g12 wrote

The private Friends of the Public Garden, who maintain most of the Common and Public Garden statues and facilities


TouchDownBurrito t1_j5p4mn6 wrote

The same private donors:

> Embrace Boston, a nonprofit organization that works toward racial and economic justice and is a part of the Boston Foundation, helped provide resources and $10.5 million in funds, including a maintenance fund, for “The Embrace” and the Freedom Plaza.


gacdeuce t1_j5pxvhq wrote

That’s encouraging. Still an awful work of art.