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Tzames t1_j5ozjx6 wrote

Guys, having been there in person. It’s not as bad as every photo of the worst possible view of the statue makes it out to be.


bahbahrapsheet t1_j5p2ywd wrote

Agreed. I don’t think it’s a GREAT statue but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it in person. It’s more impressive than you’d expect based on the pictures, especially the ones taken at this angle.


Bad_Mood_Larry t1_j5p70wg wrote

Personally I find it kinda of terrifying in person. It got some body horror thing going on.


Vandalgyon t1_j5qa9yy wrote

One of the side effects that I haven't seen many people mention is what this statue is getting viewers to do.

When I visited it, I watched a lot of people approach it from afar with a confused look, since it looks weird from some angles. Once they got closer and it started to make sense, they seemed to enjoy it more. It was literally bringing strangers together in a co-located spot by being a confusing object. Kind of like the shiny Chicago bean.

I also noticed families and friends trying to hug each other in the same way the statue was. Don't know if that was intended, but if a statue gets people to hug more then it's good in my book.


defariasdev t1_j5qdm0a wrote

This is a great point. Also i don't recall the last time people talked this much about a statue that wasn't vandalized for memorializing some old racist bastard. When I stopped by with my grandmother, there were strangers talking to each other about what they thought.

Sure, most of it was them saying they didn't like it but... STRANGERS. TALKING TO EACH OTHER IN A PARK. ABOUT ART. IN FUCKING BOSTON?! Statue Wins


BasilExposition75 t1_j5p8lzm wrote

I liked the park itself and the fact you could walk under it and up to it. Still ugly as fuck from afar. Should be a tear down.


BMac364 t1_j5pafhk wrote

The idea that you could walk up to and under it is cool, being both sheltered and exposed at the same time. The problem is that the goofy looking angle is from the street as you drive by. They should plant some trees behind it to ...."sanitize" this view. For $10m, I think we could get something like that.


Solar_Piglet t1_j5rpkmg wrote

Regardless of what you think about the shape of the thing it's far too big for the Common. It dwarfs everything around it and just looks completely out of place.


SphaeraEstVita t1_j5pipj4 wrote

I walk along Tremont almost daily so that angle is really the only one I ever see.


Weary_Barber_7927 t1_j5pf9cj wrote

Do you think it’s worth 10 million dollars?


Syncope7 t1_j5pw79n wrote

At this point, that’s a fruitless argument. The $10mil was privately funded. It’s already been built…. If anything it’ll cost more to dismantle it.


Solar_Piglet t1_j5rpuf6 wrote

six meth heads would cart that thing off for scrap in an afternoon.


Tzames t1_j5pfq5d wrote

I don’t think my opinion on how much it costs actually matters. My knowledge on how much money was spent on this and how much profit was made and who got paid is zero.


DooDooBrownz t1_j5q0mkb wrote

just be happy it's not made out of eggs, the city would be broke


random12356622 t1_j5qnijz wrote

The price something is worth is determined by having someone or someone(s) willing to pay that amount asked for it. So it is worth 10 million dollars, because we the people were stupid enough to pay for it.

Would I purchase it again, no. It looks like someone holding a turd from specific angles.

Remember, Boston is the place that purchased toilets that: 1) no one used, 2) broke all the time, 3) were expensive to install, 4) expensive to maintain, 5) so expensive that we decided to stop repairing them, and 6) took the place of something else that could have been there, like nothing, an empty space.

Also these toilets were supposed to be automatic cleaning toilets, and took jobs away from the people of Boston. - As far as I know the toilets were never clean, and a toilet of last resort. - Also you had to have special tokens/money to use the toilet.


philpaschall t1_j5p7v5q wrote

It actually looked better in the snow imo.

Half the complaints are that it’s art and not a statue. It has a cool meaning and looks as it’s supposed to from most angles. I bet it grows on people with time.


ammmarks t1_j5pitko wrote

👏bravo, and the other half is probably made by simple implicit racism


Tzames t1_j5pu78l wrote

That’s a stretch and a half


gilgagorgon t1_j5pa3xw wrote

I was honestly really impressed with the detail in the hands. It’s pretty beautiful up close. But yes, that one angle is rough.


ErroneousEric t1_j5qj3fh wrote

At this point I'm more sick of people bitching about it than how meh it looks.


garfieldfan093 t1_j5qokch wrote

I went there in person and i actually thought it looked pretty good but it’s definitely better from the other angle


giritrobbins t1_j5yzk1f wrote

Totally agree. And it seems like everyone takes a zoomed in photo from far away as humanly possible