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Vinen t1_j5vajw7 wrote

>incompetence of the State Legislature still c

Imagine thinking they have control over the state legislature. The only way this is resolved is by voting in new reps that give a shiat.


DarkPurpleHibiscus t1_j5vjxfd wrote

Yeah i like how this person calls it "under" Healey as though it isn't two separate branches of government. Literally civics 101


bakgwailo t1_j5wwolm wrote

The MBTA does fall under the executive/governor as it is under the MassDOT umbrella, and the governor selects the MBTA's manager, and, at least under Baker directly appoints the members of the board of directors who have direct oversight. The legislature controls funding/purse. It very much is on both parties. That said, Healey has been governor for like 2 weeks and immediately launched a search for a new GM. Nothing she can really do at this point and trying to put the current MBTA's problems on her is laughably stupid.


dpm25 t1_j5vb45t wrote

The governor absolutely has political influence over the legislature.