Submitted by 3720-To-One t3_10pjqcm in boston
Wickedweed t1_j6ky1dt wrote
They have a nice dump there
[deleted] t1_j6l9535 wrote
TheManFromFairwinds t1_j6ld0wf wrote
>Harvey Boshart, a Weston Select Board member whose term expires this year, asked Aiu how much funding the Town of Weston had historically received from those programs.
>“I believe it’s been zero,” answered Aiu.
>Boshart argued that “as it currently stands, we’re not giving up anything" if the town chose not to comply.
>But committee member Sarah Rhatigan noted that even if those penalties might not affect Weston, the town could still be in violation of the state law, and housing advocacy groups might be able to sue the town for compliance anyhow.
>“The penalties are probably funds that Weston doesn’t use… (but) there is some concern that if we really didn’t take any action we could be exposing ourselves up to some kind of liability,” said Rhatigan.
>“Or at least, minimally, embarrassment,” said another unidentified committee member.
Imagine if they end up complying because they're afraid of being embarrassed!
Side note: whatever happened to the whopper? I notice that the opposition site got taken down
joelupi t1_j6lgmqv wrote
Junior, double, triple whopper
brg36 t1_j6lkwdn wrote
Flame-grilled taste with perfect toppers, I rule this day.
alexman17c t1_j6lna17 wrote
Woah there Hitler, slow down. These are still people we're talking about.
StarbeamII t1_j6lp690 wrote
IIRC the Whopper got rejected by the zoning board despite being a 40B project due to sewage system overload concerns and the "landscape design, open space arrangements and building design of the project are inadequate and pose a threat to public health and safety"
[deleted] t1_j6lzqp6 wrote
Jackamalio626 t1_j6lztxw wrote
Weston "people" are the fucking worst.
POI4433 t1_j6m1oe1 wrote
Remember that in the original proposal Weston was a Rapid Transit town - the same as Newton or Quincy - but somehow got themselves knocked down to Commuter Rail.
[deleted] t1_j6m3j56 wrote
petophile_ t1_j6m6m2s wrote
No you see these people are being intolerant of the poor, so we can not be tolerant of them. Read up on the paradox of tolerance. /s
SynbiosVyse t1_j6mfsm3 wrote
Riverside doesn't make it into Weston, though it's on the border. There's no comparison of Newton and Quincy with Weston. Both are dense cities with multiple green and red line stops.
realvladdiputtn t1_j6mgv9b wrote
The Wayback Machine shows it last live in August 2022, so it came down since then
climberskier t1_j6mmfn1 wrote
If I owned a boston-area restaurant I would for sure have a "weston whopper" on the menu as a joke.
dontbeapile t1_j6moedq wrote
Weston whonper, have it your way
Honclfibr t1_j6mpwp0 wrote
Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, poor people are out to get us.
DunkinRadio t1_j6mwg1m wrote
Everybody lighten up on the poor denizens of Weston. They all have their BLM signs up - what more do you want from them?
amos106 t1_j6mxp1d wrote
They haven't even seen a black person before yet they still put up those signs. How selfless they must be!
InThePartsBin2 t1_j6myang wrote
AutomaticMidnite t1_j6n1768 wrote
I grew up there, you're absolutely right.
TheManFromFairwinds t1_j6ncfi9 wrote
That's too bad. I hope a different 40B project succeeds.
tschris t1_j6nfx4k wrote
Those commercials make me irrationally angry.
drich18 t1_j6nj6q4 wrote
Have it your way!
giritrobbins t1_j6nmqoq wrote
How is the safety negative?
There is a sewage analysis as part of this and their engineers say it's sufficient.
devAcc123 t1_j6nw6i8 wrote
I’d imagine the residents probably don’t want it to be a rapid transit town, usually how these expensive, insulated towns operate
senatorium t1_j6ny3vu wrote
But they do have their "Hate Has No Place Here" signs up too?
senatorium t1_j6ny7yz wrote
Imagine being denied a home due to landscape design.
Silverline_Surfer t1_j6otmh9 wrote
That’s another type of sandwich, right? Like the BLT?
hitbyacar1 t1_j6kwezx wrote
Whopper whopper whopper whopper