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OP t1_j7f4gsq wrote

Mine was as the picture shows. Sinclair ZX Spectrum and the first game was the 1990 Super Off Road racing.


t1_j7f4pix wrote

First I played: Atari 2600

First I bought: Wii


OP t1_j7f6u0z wrote

I mean technically an Xbox one is a computer that can play games and a Spectrum is a computer that can play games. That little bad boy does everything a modern console does, just a bit simpler is all. Not far off from modern consoles. My family bought one of these to use just as a gaming system before we got a Sega.


OP t1_j7f79w5 wrote

Didn't realize people used these as actual home computers lol all of my friends and families I knew had them hooked up to TVs and used them for games. It was more of a convenience to be able to print things and do other things lol


t1_j7f82v1 wrote

First game played: Bombjack (at a neighbour's house, I don't know in what system, probably Amstrad CPC).

First console: Sega Master System II.


t1_j7f8ha2 wrote

Artai 2600, spectrum 48k, spectrum 128k, master system 2, 3 x mega drives, commodore 64, snes, PlayStation 1, dreamcast, xbox, xbox360, xbox 1, xbox X, xbox ss, xbox xs.


OP t1_j7f94lo wrote

Very nice taste! May I ask, what happened to the mega drives? I know they were a bit crap but surely you didn't get through 3 of em?

My full list is Spectrum, mega drive, playstation, PS1 slim(broken disc flap), PS2, PS2 slim (broken disc flap) XBO, XBO halo edition, XB360, DS, DSi, XB360 Halo Reach, XB360E(very last of the 360s), XB1, XB1S

Would you recommend the Xbox SS or XS? I use digital more than disc so would I just be buying storage?


OP t1_j7f976r wrote

Very nice taste! May I ask, what happened to the mega drives? I know they were a bit.... Plastic... but surely you didn't get through 3 of em? 😂

My full list is Spectrum, mega drive, playstation, PS1 slim(broken disc flap), PS2, PS2 slim (broken disc flap) XBO, XBO halo edition, XB360, DS, DSi, XB360 Halo Reach, XB360E(very last of the 360s), XB1, XB1S

Would you recommend the Xbox SS or XS? I use digital more than disc so would I just be buying storage?


t1_j7fazn6 wrote

Hi there, I had 3 mega drives over time, all 3 got swapped or sold. Good machine at the time.

I have both ss and xs.

Both have faster speeds at loading, transfer rates or good, graphics are good, my total opinion is if you buying 1 is get xs, cos it dose digital and hard copy games,

Where as the as ss only dose digital. But is cheaper.

I don't have the memory cards for either machine, but do have a 4tb hdd drive, via USB, you can store xs games on it but need to transfer them to machine to play if internal memory is full.


t1_j7fddka wrote

Snap! Exactly the model on your photo. The best birthday present I ever got 😊👾


t1_j7fjwjy wrote

This! I remember having compilation tapes with 10 games on and only being able to play the first one because I didn’t know how to find the right place on the tape to load the other games!


t1_j7fky6q wrote

The intellivision, I think that’s what it was called anyway but it had space invaders and such.


t1_j7flpfn wrote

I had two, the GameCube and the PS3, but this was like 2013 so they were REALLY old by that point, but I was 5 so I didn’t care


t1_j7fmjes wrote

First games system Commodore 64.

First console NES.

Edit: so sorry Atari. 2600 you were my first. You should never forget your first.


t1_j7fo384 wrote

I think spectrum was my first console well game machine

I remember the sound of tapes brings back memories looking at this


t1_j7fopyv wrote

My first console was Xbox 360. I always played demo game, especially dmc4. I've bought the full version many years ago and now I've decided to platinum that game. It's surprising how my Xbox is still standing tbh.


t1_j7fpyyz wrote

First computer ZX Spectrum 48k, rubber keyboard. Bought used for £60 in about 1983/1984.

First console, NES shortly after UK release. Then I got into Jap imports 😁


t1_j7fse3e wrote

The first console I ever played was the NES which was technically my brother's. The first one that was specifically mine was a Gameboy.


t1_j7fvhnt wrote

My neighbor give me a polystation(not Playstation)about 2001, i remember play a lot duck Hunt, tank and Olympic games with my family, them after a long road:mega drive, Snes,ps1slim,ps2,ps3,Xbox 360, Xbox one phat, Wii u, Xbox one x. I Just end with a Pc with a rtx 3080, my Snes,ps2 and ps3 still with me!


t1_j7fxw1v wrote

That's not a console, it's a computer.

Anyway, sega master system


t1_j7fyyao wrote

first home console I played between sms/snes, first owned console bought for me by my parents and that I cherish a lot my n64


t1_j7fza8j wrote

The first I bought with my own money. Bitter sweet experience though the original white Xbox 360 fat. Little later the rrod came around. Later my brother had to buy the xbox 360 slim black, till this day is running smooth and I live the touch buttons to open and turn on on the system.


t1_j7g3krr wrote

I had the Spectrum 48k+ (plastic keys, not rubber) thought it was great, remember getting addons for it like a cheat code box (?) and a mouse!!


t1_j7g6vxz wrote

Atari 7800. As a kid I didn’t realize it was a different console as the 2600. I thought it was just an update as I had about 50 2600 games my dad picked up at the flea market.


t1_j7gqk5f wrote

First I was gifted: Game Boy DMG

If handhelds don't count, first I was gifted: Super Nintendo

In the meantime my dad bought an Atari 7800, but that was more for the whole family rather than for me.


t1_j7gt0tj wrote

First I had a Game & Watch then a 48k Speccy, 128k Speccy, +2, +3, then Mega Drive then SNES…


t1_j7gv9ft wrote

Well,the first one I played was the PS3 but my first console that I owned was the wiiU and it was the best console I have ever played to date


t1_j7gwyuf wrote

A Famiclone. My first original console was a Game Boy Advance


t1_j7hebai wrote

A Commodore VIC-20. Our first family computer. Jelly monsters and omega race our first games. In fact I think they were the only games we had 🙂

And then next up it was the beauty in your pic OP!

Wish I could live those days again….


t1_j7hffej wrote

This!!! Sinclair Spectrum 128k. Good memories! Skool daze, treasure Island dizzy, AH64 Apache. Thanks for the memories!


t1_j7hk5y2 wrote

Mattel Intellivision, still got it (from 1980)


t1_j7hmui4 wrote

GameCube first Spider-Man game swinging mechanics were dreadful but good memories


t1_j7hnyz9 wrote

I had an Atari 2600 when I was a kid but was then gifted a Sega Master system from my dad's friend with a bunch of games which took me all the way through to my first PC (386DX running Windows 3.1)


t1_j7hzyj4 wrote

Dont call me old but the magnavox Odyssey 2. It was so cool. Until i got my sega master system. Then the Snes. Then the dreamcast because they gave them for free if you signed up to segas online service. There were barely games for it so i saved up and in 96 when i was 26 (i was a barista making less than liveable wage) i got a ps1 and tomb raider. So while my first console was the Odyssey. My "first" real console was the ps1


t1_j7ig1s2 wrote

Our first family computer was a 'Commodore C16 Plus 4'. I would have been maybe 8 or 9 at the time and the first time I laid my eyes on 'Icicle Works', something changed in me and I knew that games were going to be a part of my life forever.

I'm 41 now and I can confirm, I was correct.


t1_j7jnm7y wrote

I started gaming on my Spectrum 48K absolutely epic


t1_j7jrq03 wrote

Nice. My mate had that version and I was jealous. I had the standard 48k then upgraded to the 48k+, both with the tape player sat next to them. Brings back some good memories


t1_j7jrv47 wrote

3DS... But if handhelds don't count then it's Wii.


t1_j7l8b4y wrote

Atari Super Pong, shared with my two brothers.


t1_j7lgpdc wrote

Xbox 360, I spent so many hours playing, and days in CEX, games that went down in price,and running home to play it INSTANTLY. ah, the good days when games didn’t take 10 hours to download…


t1_j7pzko6 wrote

Grandstand with paddles, then a commodore vic20, c64 then started building PCs, had mega drive and PS1 and 2.......