GamerTMTDK t1_jcf9olz wrote

I had a ps5, but restly sold it because my main focus is pc also (I run a RTX 2060 super, 16GB ram and i5 9400F) I think Playstation is very expensive both regarding the consol, but also their games in general, now, yesterday I actually orded a ps5 again because it's not all games I'm interested in, my pc can run propely, but still I'm concidering canseling my order, because like I said, it's expensive.


GamerTMTDK t1_jbs1bu6 wrote

Okay, I want to believe you, but how are you 100% sure of this? I did not like No Man's sky, but what garanties do you bring with this claim? Now I know they wanna try sell the game at a high level but still, there's a chance that the game would be great, there's also a chance that you be right.


GamerTMTDK t1_jba1s71 wrote

Well said. And year one platform for all gaming would be nice for sure. Did you own a ps5 now? I think pc is good for alot of things gaming included, with settings that can be ajusted and a garanti for those 60fps the downside is pc has a stop wall (don't know what to call it) for not running games as good because of the specs, where a consol can run all games.


GamerTMTDK t1_jb9spg3 wrote

Okay, I'm from Denmark, I've been to Playstation since ps1, and have had them all up until ps5 twice now, so dump. But I gotta say xbox have been turing things around with their exclusive and game pass so much value right there, and I should just turn to xbox to save all that money on games, but since I've been to Playstation since ps1 it's hard for me to just shot the door and leave it behind, because I feel like everything on Playstation cost something.


GamerTMTDK t1_jb9p12d wrote

Thanks for your recommendation, I'll think about what you said, I can understand you are happy with your xbox series X, it's a awesome consol I have the series s, with I'm also happy about, although I miss those 60fps in most games on it, I have also played with the thought of buying the series x and then totally drop the ps5 but in the long run, I don't think I can do that.


GamerTMTDK t1_jb9jimd wrote

I agree, tho I have this problem with fomo (fear of missing out) I have a series s and a mid-range gaming PC, I used to own a ps5 twice actually, the first time I bought it I loved it but realiced I could't afford it so I sold it. A mounth later, where God of War ragnarok came out I could't help myself I needed to play it, so bought the ps5 again, completed the game, then with heavy heart sold my ps5 again, because I could't afford it. That was like two month ago now, now I wanna play Wo long so badly on ps5 because ind the end I prefer the ps5 to play on but the economy would allow it.