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ArgentStar t1_j7zzhrb wrote

The Switch store is always overpriced, but that's a bundle. Just looked it up and it contains three games. So you're actually paying $27 for a game.


RazorMaize t1_j81pj6a wrote

Bruh its 3 games from the ds/3ds that you can buy separately for like 20 bones wtf you talking about?


SageMuffin98765 t1_j81b6sz wrote

It doesn't have a mobile game. And it's a collection of 3 games


BlockSCBG t1_j817d4o wrote

  1. You can buy them seperate
  2. Tf you mean mobile game?

Party_Ad8213 OP t1_j81ypxf wrote

the only game i enjoy on switch is splatoon thats it. I’ve played the other big titles and i feel like I’m playing on a tablet, the games feel like mobile games


UltraTurtle161 t1_j820ttf wrote

So your telling me Breath of the wild feels like a mobile game.....


ducky2090 t1_j7yyj2c wrote

ill take it 50 bucks


RustyRuss_ t1_j839o37 wrote

OP, going by your comments in this thread you don’t enjoy Switch games, period. Just sell your OLED if you fundamentally don’t enjoy the platform.


merica2033 t1_j83b6zg wrote

Nintendo is hitting Wii levels of arrogance, they will need another WiiU to humble them again.


L1mpBredSt1k t1_j83cohj wrote

No offence but is that “remaster of a game that was on the ps plus collection” yours?

All srsness tho, this is why I don’t play switch Been nearly 6 years since release and the games haven’t dropped more than £5


Party_Ad8213 OP t1_j83lbpf wrote

First time trying PlayStation and it was insane, i was always a halo type so I had never switched from xbox. Also i bought the switch first played a couple games and knew i did a mistake so i tried PlayStation


L1mpBredSt1k t1_j9cptyq wrote

I mean Tbf Xbox are at the top of the gaming industry with Game Pass rn. A year or more ago definitely PlayStation coz I believe they had great deals but with all the franchises Xbox now owns (possibly call of duty soon too) it’s prolly the best place to play more with spending less


Party_Ad8213 OP t1_j83li4p wrote

The game is also mostly for new people that are getting the PlayStation for Christmas trust me there are a lot of people that never had a PlayStation, don’t know why ppl diss tlou for making a better game for the newer consoles, the game is worth $70 or more I believe but i got it for $40 during cyber week, Nintendo could never do that with big titles


L1mpBredSt1k t1_j9cp8d5 wrote

£70 is way too much for a game, especially a remaster I’m sure no one and not even a new PlayStation owner would want to spend so much on that


CurryLikesGaming t1_j80cnb5 wrote

Just spend like 150$ to get your switch modded and you can play anything you want.


Separate-Eye5179 t1_j81m8fe wrote

$150 to do something that is just software is completely ridiculous. If you paid that much you got well and truly scammed. That’s basically a switch right?


CurryLikesGaming t1_j82bbo5 wrote

Uhh no ? It’s a chip for hacking, v2 and oled switch can’t be soft hacked like v1 dude, their hardware needs to be soldered with a hacking chip so you’ll be able to hack them later on, and a chip like that is roughly 150$. It may seems much, but you’re paying 150$ once to literally play all nintendo’s offline games for free , install botw , fire emblem, mario, bayonetta or whatever the shit you want, hell you can even switch from hacking mode to original mode to play nintendo games online ( but you need to buy the game), it’s not the same as jailbreaking a ps4 which would require old software version and you can only game offline dude.


JustVGames t1_j817d10 wrote

Is this Sony guerilla marketing ?


[deleted] t1_j7zfuot wrote



BallsOfSteel86 t1_j7zupnn wrote

Because greedy scummy company


Party_Ad8213 OP t1_j81ycn4 wrote

This, they don’t even allow you to refund games, my experience with xbox, you call them or even text them, and they’ll refund the game you want even if you played it a bit.


UncleIroh9001 t1_j7zbmj2 wrote

Aren’t pre-orders always more expensive?


Nintendosmi t1_j7ze82y wrote

Nope I pre ordered switch sports last year for the exact same price