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thefjordster t1_jb9kexh wrote

I mean it is as simple as that really. People who want to discuss consoles come here to discuss consoles. Sometimes those people know very little about consoles.

If you know so much why bother being on here at all.


Raaiyu t1_jb9kwh9 wrote

Dude, you can scroll down and find the exact same discussion over 100 times. This isn't a reddit page for people to constantly ask which console to buy. It's a gaming page to discuss and share ALL things gaming. This is my point. I do know so much, but I don't come here for game console knowledge because I'm a gamer and I know these things already lol


grendelglass t1_jb9n3a6 wrote

I'd rather see 1000 posts a day asking about which console to get than some salty guy bitching about it


thefjordster t1_jb9owlw wrote

Asking for recommendations is a part of what happens on this sub. Most people seem fine with it. I don't know why you'd expect them to change just to suit you.


Raaiyu t1_jb9p3iu wrote

No that's fair, and I want to calm thus debate or whatever it is down a bit because I think it's getting a bit too heated. I literally saw the same post so many times, I just had to say something lol sorry


barbanonfacitvirum t1_jb9uu9n wrote

It isn't a debate... You're just raging and calling people names.


Raaiyu t1_jb9ykor wrote

Bit harsh, I mean I did call one guy an idiot, but he said something stupid so he deserved it. Honestly, I'm not raging, I was just making a point. I should've made it more subtle, that's true, so my bad