Submitted by Gay_Charlie t3_zuzldm in consoles

I love the From Software games Post-2008 but my goodness it's full of players that don't admit there are design flaws. You would think a series of games that requires thought would have less fragile egos. Elden Ring is the best game I have ever played in my 25+ years of gaming but I'll admit there's a lot of flaws.

Unfortunately the God of War series has fallen into this category especially since the 2018 release then more so with Ragnarok that personally astounds me that the game has received perfect scores but I have come to conclusion that the series isn't for me anymore or at least with it's current design direction.



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TheShipEliza t1_j1m9j60 wrote

Feels like this is the kind of question where minorities are routinely held up as an example of the majority. Sure, there are some Dark Souls fans who shit their pants if you mention an easy mode but most of the players dgaf.


churroscachorro t1_j1miigd wrote

i'd day recent COD (they are only making "ok" games in a really big frequency and selling for unfair prices, actvision is a money machine now) or The last of us. so, i have to admit that TLOU it's a great game, but it's definitely far from perfection, the story got kinda cliche in the second game


Honduriel t1_j1mrmxr wrote



Anything Blizzard

Anything Bethesda


VanguardXI t1_j1n9pu7 wrote

Definitely Skyrim.

I really do enjoy the game, but a lot of people are way too ready to ignore how shallow a fair bit of the content really is.

People will defend it tooth and nail because it reviewed well and has been re-released so many times. Which is fine. It’s a good game, for sure, but it’s far from being perfect and, honestly, I don’t think it would have been quite as well received if it didn’t have The Elder Scrolls lore supporting it.


SaudiKingdom t1_j1ndqdg wrote

100% Genshin Impact everyone can agree with me


kpta_666 t1_j1nzl8a wrote

God Hand, overrated as fuck


Eph3w t1_j1omorb wrote

There are no perfectly designed games - at least not complex modern games.

Some games are good in spite of - and sometimes because of - their ‘flaws’.

People on the internet say stupid stuff. Attack something they’re passionate about and buckle up…

Ratings are made from subjective opinions. And people who write about games, like anything else, become a groupthink culture. Clickbait aside, they tend to think within the lines.

Find out what you like, and play those things despite what anyone else thinks.


toasterovenly t1_j1p9i78 wrote

Basically anything made by Rareware on the N64. All of it is fun but flawed.

  • Conker's Bad Fur Day - really bad platforming. It's hard to overstate how bad the platforming is. Story mostly not funny since I didn't play it when I was 12.
  • Diddy Kong racing - to beat the story you basically need to know a secret technique to get more speed from boost panels. The multiplayer sucks because whoever gets to be TT basically wins. Additionally the multiplayer sucks because first place player can consume all the bananas in the first lap so no one else can raise their top speed. Just go play Mario kart if you have friends over.
  • Donkey Kong 64. World and levels are designed in a very confusing way. Controls not very tight. Wayyyyy too much backtracking.
  • Banjo-Tooie - Exactly the same problems as donkey Kong 64.
  • Banjo-Kazooie - ok I really like this one, but the castle is confusing. Honestly this is the best of the bunch.
  • Jet Force Gemini - once you finish the 3 starter stories, you have to go play all the levels again, which is kinda lame, but made better since a lot of the time to explore new areas of those levels with your new abilities. You literally have to get 100% of the hidden collectibles to finish the game. It's really hard to recommend the story mode for that reason.
  • Blast Corps - many of the levels require absolute perfection to beat, meaning you probably won't be able to actually finish this game. Some of the vehicles control like crap. You have to replay a bunch of levels multiple times.
  • Mickey speedway USA - I never played it, so can't comment.
  • Goldeneye 007 - I played a lot of hours of this. Like over a hundred I'd say with my brothers and friends. I am going to refrain from commenting on quality since, to be honest I just don't like shooters very much so there's too much bias. For comparison I love 3d platformers so I feel more than qualified to comment on those.
  • Perfect dark - same comment as Goldeneye.

This is the hill I'm willing to die on.


madmatt666 t1_j1pdrrz wrote

Elden Ring and any of the Souls games.


ChipFruit t1_j1peiep wrote


If you say anything about this decision your aren a fan yourself.


Drizzy10kk t1_j1pfer3 wrote

Fortnite, they say it’s complete shit one minute then 2 minutes later they’re beefing someone on twitter about how the game wipes everything.l