Submitted by t3_10pvhkd in consoles

I am going to be returning my series s because it is faulty soon. The retailer that I originally bought it from pays out the money you spent on the item instead of replacing it. I was wondering if I should just buy another series s or fork out about 200 bucks more for a digital ps5?

(I'm using nzd so that's why it's 200 bucks more for the ps5)

Edit: Thank you everyone for the advice I'm going to keep the series s and hopefully get a ps5 digital later in the year.



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t1_j6mfefr wrote

Get the ps5 with disc drive. It'll cost less in the long run. As soon as you find 2 games for $5 - $10 each that would otherwise be $60 - $70 digitally, you've made your money back. You'll never have to wait for digital sales again, either. Hard copies are cheap all year.

Series S is kind of a trap, imo, due to its low memory. As soon as you buy the expanded memory, you've already spent close to $400 which would get you a higher performing ps5 digital anyway.


t1_j6no186 wrote

There’s an adapter which lets you use standard M.2s now. 1TB for £45


t1_j6mmtoy wrote

I'd say to keep your xbox series s, or maybe upgrade to X. Gamepass offers great value, it has some good new games like Hi Fi Rush and lot more available through the subscription. A PS5 currently is just a glorified PS4 in my opinion, all the good games can either be played on pc or ps4 and the ones that are exclusive to the ps5 like Demons Souls and Ratchet and Clank aren't worth the extra bucks you have to pay to get them. Demon Souls is a good game but it's a remake of a ps3 game and Ratchet and Clank is... well, Ratchet and Clank. I suppose if you were a fan of those kind of games you wouldn't even bother to get an Xbox so i think it might be for the best to keep your Xbox and gamepass.


t1_j6o74kf wrote

Sony exclusives are exact reason why they are selling two ps5 per one Xbox . I also thought gamepass is killer but Sony gives better games tbh


t1_j6oeoka wrote

Some people doesn't care that much about Sony exclusives, op opted for an xbox series s, so i guess he doesn't care that much. If he's on a budget i think xbox is a better option


t1_j6n755k wrote

If you care about exclusives then ps5. If you dont then xbox


t1_j6neosu wrote

As an Xbox owner. Choose whatever floats your boats. Ultimately, it is you who will need to decide. The reason for this is you may not be able to return whatever console you choose if you do not like it. Do some more research. E.g games you like. Good luck 👍🏽


t1_j6o6uxn wrote

Ps5 my friend, check those games in ps plus , ghost of Tsushima, demon souls , blood borne, horizon , final fantasy remake and more !


t1_j6mr0jj wrote

Get the ps5 for exclusives or I guess keep the xbox if it’s the only xbox you own
