
t1_ja7vsg1 wrote

There's no answer to that, really. It all comes down to personal tastes and you have to find what console has more features that you particularly care about. I'll give you my personal opinion and why i would choose one over the other, if it helps.

In my case, if i had to pick one console i would get an Xbox. It has actual backwards compatibility to all xbox systems, you can easily put emulators on an Xbox to play pretty much every console until the ps2/gamecube era, gamepass offers great value and i don't care about Sony exclusive games, so if i didn't already had a pc, i would get an xbox. And i do have gamepass on my pc, and i'm having a blast with all the games available there.

I wouldn't get a ps5 because i don't care about the exclusive games on a PS5 and that is the biggest reason to get a PS5. The console doesn't provide good live services as the xbox, the "backwards compatibility" for consoles older than the PS4 are emulated and said emulation is hidden behind a paywall and the overall quality of the emulation is terribe ( see Legend of Dragoon , for example) and since i'm the kind of guy who enjoys older games and sees value in backwards compatibily, and doesn't care/like the exclusive games sony has to offer, i see no reason to get a ps5 because i can't see value on anything it offers.

So you should consider the pros and cons of both consoles to reach a final decision.


t1_j9tuzy3 wrote

Pc gamers are patient tho, a ps5 is only an option if you are anxious af and can't wait a few years to play games. Also, performance isn't great on consoles either, once it's fixed a medium tier pc will outperform both, and the games made by sony on pc right now like Horizon Zero Dawn are prettier and runs better than what a ps5/ps4 can deliver right now.


t1_j9tqop1 wrote

I don't think the PS5 is worth it. At is stands now, a PS5 is just an glorified PS4 and all the good games are on pc as well, and the ones who aren't on pc yet, will come out eventually. Your pc isn't bad either, you just need to replace your cpu. A simple Ryzen 5 5600 would do wonders on your performance, a new motherboard and a Ryzen 5 5600 are cheaper than a ps5 and you could play the game just fine.


t1_j6mmtoy wrote

I'd say to keep your xbox series s, or maybe upgrade to X. Gamepass offers great value, it has some good new games like Hi Fi Rush and lot more available through the subscription. A PS5 currently is just a glorified PS4 in my opinion, all the good games can either be played on pc or ps4 and the ones that are exclusive to the ps5 like Demons Souls and Ratchet and Clank aren't worth the extra bucks you have to pay to get them. Demon Souls is a good game but it's a remake of a ps3 game and Ratchet and Clank is... well, Ratchet and Clank. I suppose if you were a fan of those kind of games you wouldn't even bother to get an Xbox so i think it might be for the best to keep your Xbox and gamepass.


t1_j32t8su wrote

My problem with TLOU2 plot is that it can go from really good and emotional, to complete nonsensical thrash in a manner of seconds, the writer really wanted to write a revenge history, and he cuts all the corners he could to accomplish that. A lot of important events are reduced to flash backs or are simply left behind so that the revenge story doesn't lose it's momentum.

The examples i can think in the back of my head are: The one flashback where Ellie runs away to find out what Joel did at the end of TLOU1, she basically runs away by herself a few years after the events of TLOU1 and she conveniently finds a recorder safely stored in a bag containing the exact information she needed. This scene makes no sense at all because Ellie was alone during this whole time, she goes all the way back to Utah by herself in a world infested with monsters and bandits with no difficulties at all, and conveniently finds the truth she set out to find? That was supposed to be one of the biggest revelations in the story and it was completely ruined by bad writing, it doesn't make any sense no matter how you look at it.

It was a plot device used in the crappiest way possible.

Another example of bad writing in TLOU2 is when Dina finds out that Ellie is immune. She seems concerned at first, but shrugs it off almost immediately. And then, when they get a breater and Ellie tries to explain she ignores it and goes " Oh, i'm pregnant by the way. But don't worry, it isn't yours" and never touches again on the subject. Again, another point that should be important in the story, being ruined by bad writing because the writer really wanted to write a revenge story.


t1_j0u5cmb wrote

I would get an xbox. As a former PS4 owner, the exclusives are good, yes but they are the kind of game that you beat once and never come back to them again. With few exceptions most of them have zero replay value and you'll spend most of your time playing 3rd party games and those tend to be more expensive on Sony consoles.

If you really want the exclusives you can buy a ps4, beat whatever game you want and then trade it for an xbox.