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Druss_Deathwalker t1_j9z8db1 wrote

Like this a lot, reminds me of something from the comic series The Sixth Gun.


TheTripleThr34t t1_j9zaoql wrote

Looks good. Gun in the left hand needs to be wider, though. Looks like it's missing the cylinder if it's also a revolver


kestrana t1_j9zg1wy wrote

I would like to pay you for my next tattoo design. I don't know what it is or when I'll get it but you're fantastic and I love this.


DoitfortheHoff t1_j9zmhvv wrote

I want the left part of the triangle to continue over the right arm instead of behind it.


AvantisGuardian t1_j9zprnz wrote

Man, you'd fit right in with Spiritworld's aesthetics. The thrash metal band dealing with cowboy occult concepts.


dchudds t1_j9zrqvo wrote

I dont have any tattoos but I would get that. Well done, looks great


lookayoyo t1_ja00teo wrote

First thought was Silent from Slay the Spire


Trussmagic t1_ja02vdx wrote

Also a bit of Herne the Hunter vibe... I really like your work.


3141592653489793238 t1_ja0386u wrote

Reservation Dogs has a cool Deer Lady spirit you might like. Great show!


Ignitemare t1_ja070sl wrote

I could ABSOLUTELY rock this near exact look in Destiny 2 and that's really awesome. I didn't scroll enough to see if that's anywhere an influence before posting. But damn!


Hugsworth t1_ja0cc7v wrote

I really like this. Thank you for sharing! The beard of tentacles is a nice touch and your line work looks really good!


shit-sipper t1_ja0j7y0 wrote

This looks super dope!! Great Job. I wonder if you made the right arm look like it was coming from "under" the triangle if it would look even more 3D. That being said, I can't draw a stick figure, and your talent is amazing!! Keep up the great work!!


Cry-Skull-7 t1_ja0r7rt wrote

Fuckin Nice! Makes me wanna go listen to The Gunslingers Glory (the songs' "mascot" has a similar design).


Cruciblelfg123 t1_ja0rh6o wrote

Me running the Stag and an Adagio handcannon in vow


BCjestex t1_ja0ysxw wrote

Looks straight out of the game nosgoth( vamp vs human tps) was a class that had that helmet used dual pistols or something


SemperScrotus t1_ja19agx wrote

Looks great! Do you tattoo people as well, or do you draw up the design for someone else to use the needle? Do people commission you to do these?

I'm super curious about the process because I don't have any tattoos, but I've been wanting (for years and years) to design a sleeve, but I'm not an artist at all. I have ideas about certain elements that I want included but no clue how to mold them and tie them all together into a cohesive piece. So I'm not sure where to start...a consultation with a tattoo artist, I reckon?


Aimesspainz t1_ja1e9sp wrote

My dnd playing self sees a human gunslinger/ warlock multiclass right here. Or juat a hexblade warlock great old one build. Dope design, not gonna lie. I'd definitely get this on my leg in color. gifgifgif


aubbiegray t1_ja1f17l wrote

That’s absolutely incredible


Aimesspainz t1_ja1gduv wrote

Dead ass. Tattered cloak wkth some smoke, red brown for the sleeves amd cloak. Skin or tentacles could be green. My bad I collect tats and I'm often throwing crazy ideas at my artists and letting them rock. Definitely a great design and great job for the client to request this gifgifgif


Random_Sad_Child t1_ja20fod wrote

Dope. Looks kinda like something I made for a graphic design class, which was heavily based on an SCP.

Collective unconscious, amirite?


Fakegandalf t1_ja2lzjk wrote

This is a cool drawing and could be used as a reference for a tattoo drawing, but I can see many places where it would not work for tattooing. This is constructive criticism only and not meant to put you down in any way.

Some of the finer details would either not be realistic to tattoo at a reasonable size, or would blend together as the tattoo ages. The white fringes on the cloak for example, where they go over the black shading, these would merge together and not be visible. You really want to minimize the addition of small white areas surrounded by black when you are designing a tattoo.

If you want I can take this, use it as a reference and redesign it into something that would be tattooable?