Submitted by EgregoreDesign t3_yblhgk in creepy
Gas5tationSushi t1_itj3t2y wrote
There’s a lot of stuff posted here, but this is genuinely unsettling
teatimewithbatman1 t1_itj54k5 wrote
Imagine flipping on the TV on night and this pops up
Illinois_Yooper t1_itj9eg7 wrote
Takes me back to the scrambled porn channel days
Asleep_Writing_8034 t1_itjd5dw wrote
This is what happens when Wi-Fi gets disconnected or cut off badly on TV looks like.
benetleilax t1_itjfx3a wrote
Truly disturbing. Kinda reminds me of the Max Headroom pirating incident.
Ok-Establishment6276 t1_itlhvwi wrote
You beat me to it. Lol
talkback1589 t1_iti7f0o wrote