Submitted by Crondisimo t3_yd4blo in creepy
Homunculus-Undead t1_itqa3wi wrote
Reminds me of "Ojama Yellow" from Yu-Gi-Oh! Granted you may have never seen it but the resemblance makes me like this drawing!
FancySchmancy4 t1_itqe2wl wrote
Reminds me of the monsters from Ahhh Real Monsters
yetivondoodle t1_itqftyd wrote
[deleted] t1_itqjhzg wrote
AlexNovember t1_itqk1ut wrote
I came here to say the same thing
Nuggzulla t1_itqn51o wrote
That's what I was thinking as well.
Thanks to the person who posted the gif of the monster
FancySchmancy4 t1_itqo1to wrote
You are the GOAT
Hephaestus_God t1_itqojeo wrote
I like to imagine this thing under the marsh with the little heads popping up.
But all the heads just have casual conversations with each other 24/7.
“Hey mark, what have you been up to today?”
“bill for f… never mind”
“no what were you going to say?”
“bill we never leave each others sight what do you mean “what did I do today”‽”
TheLightSeeker26 t1_itqooq3 wrote
Why is he dwelling in a swamp?
idolized253 t1_itqsa4p wrote
Nice piece! Looks like a curse that could be in jujutsu kaisen
shawn_overlord t1_itqsaw7 wrote
Ojama Cthulu
ifuccducks t1_itqt8v5 wrote
Abortedwafflez t1_itqvc2q wrote
Looks like a Jojo stand.
smithers1874 t1_itqvuwa wrote
Looks like the comedian John Bishop
LugubriousTestes t1_itqx43c wrote
One of Deidara's hands got a level up.
TobiHacker t1_itr1db1 wrote
Kinda Sexy
MagnusHellstrom t1_itr7qxy wrote
Ojamathulhu, Colour out of Space
gdofseattle t1_itr8ud6 wrote
I think he’s adorable.
weevils_wobble t1_itrd5bl wrote
Fully came to say it reminded me of Crumb
Officialghostlylady t1_itrexoo wrote
I like how there's a bit of illusion with the lips. Quick glance it's smiling showing its teeth. But if you focus on it more the mouth is closed.
Chrismfinboyce t1_itrisos wrote
Ink the shit out of that and you got yourself a demon from Beserk.
Carbinkisgod t1_itrja7p wrote
Came here to same the exact same thing lmao
Crondisimo OP t1_itrjhhv wrote
Berserk has always been one of my biggest sources of inspiration so being compared to it really does mean a lot to me
Thx :)
Crondisimo OP t1_itrk0ca wrote
The villagers are always very cruel to him and the forests are full of owl bears so the only place he can go to is the Swamp
Justkillmealready110 t1_itrkr0y wrote
This is an ojama
Crondisimo OP t1_itrp438 wrote
keepeyecontact t1_itrp982 wrote
Reminds me of the Tralfamadorians in Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five.
VerdaTal t1_itrq1nn wrote
Reminded me of "AAH!!! REAL MONSTERS"
VerdaTal t1_itrq3zg wrote
This is why I'm here. Lol
Kitakitakita t1_itrt4d9 wrote
It's an Earthbound monster
Cuseyedrum t1_itrt9n3 wrote
Ew it does
Cuseyedrum t1_itrtbcq wrote
Those things look like..
Crondisimo OP t1_itrtza5 wrote
Well, the villagers are always very cruel to him and the forest he used to live in is now infested with owl bears... So he's very sad
Latensify_WoW t1_itrxzfz wrote
Reminds me of what a random One Punch Man lesser enemy would be.
WarbizonVorgler1919 t1_itrywkq wrote
Your shading style is really simple bit effective and neat looking. I'm takin some notes 👍
Tae_d1 t1_itryy5r wrote
Can you draw him some friends? I hate seeing a sad being.
Shadowveil666 t1_its0pcc wrote
Ah! Real Monsters vibe
TheMikman97 t1_its0ua8 wrote
Finally ojama link 5
April_Embers t1_its1u6j wrote
looks like sum outta jujitsu kaisen
EggplantFlorp t1_its4843 wrote
Chainsaw man devil lookin ass. Nah but fr great work.
Kapp_E_Tan t1_its4snf wrote
Anyone remember "Ahhh! REAL Monsters"? That show had some crazy monsters too
tenderlauryn t1_its6436 wrote
friend shaped. also giving Aaahh!!! Real Monsters!
DamianEchols t1_its7kpo wrote
Swamp dweller has amazing teeth !
KoppeDFO t1_itsfrg5 wrote
New card ojama god xD
RunBTS t1_itsg7uk wrote
This was my first thought as well haha
No_Head_2746 t1_itsgbli wrote
Lost Ocarina of time enemy
Snowywater2401 t1_itshbid wrote
Came here for this. Thought sane thing.
djseifer t1_itsp2p2 wrote
I feel so relieved that I'm not the only one who saw this.
Blazingbatman t1_itsr9fj wrote
Bro, i came here to comment that and ofcourse its the top comment lol although you are more accurate, i was just going to say the yellow mojo guy 😂
EllieD0113 t1_ittd9o9 wrote
vittorioe t1_itthcsb wrote
Yeah! Came here to comment on the line quality. It’s so natural and confident.
Mausoleumia t1_itthk6a wrote
Getting jjk or parasyte vibes from it, excellent stuff
Matty221998 t1_itthnef wrote
Looks like Migi
Crondisimo OP t1_itto151 wrote
fjccommish t1_ittreaa wrote
It: "Next time tell me there's chlorine in the pool. I keep my eye open when I go under. OY THE PAIN!"
fattybread83 t1_ittsbx9 wrote
Alolan Diglett
BoulderTheRock t1_itu0cwq wrote
Beat me to it! Yep I thought "is this custom card art for an Ojama yellow retrain?" or something along those lines
FinalBoi t1_itu49b2 wrote
Was just about to say this
PresidentBauhaus t1_itua4vu wrote
Kinda giving vibes from Bleach, the hollows i suppose
Danbrotastic28 t1_itubq2m wrote
Reminds me of the apple hydra animation
masterpainimeanbetty t1_itujyq9 wrote
he has the power my father always wanted: the ability to be disappointed with me five times at once
AstorReed t1_itq8mnd wrote
I have seen a few of your pieces and I have to say that I find them fascinating. I hope yo see many more