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Pharaeux t1_iydugk0 wrote

There are signs everywhere inside there that no photography is allowed out of respect for the dead.


zombie_girraffe t1_iyduxlo wrote

Lol, "Please show respect for these dead bodies that we turned into arts and craft projects and glued to the ceiling by not taking photos of what we did to them"


Eggbert_Eggleson t1_iye3s55 wrote

I mean a tomb is a tomb regardless if you turn grandma into a chandelier


zombie_girraffe t1_iye9lht wrote

Yeah, It's just kinda weird to be told to be respectful towards the dead by the guy who's chopping grandmas corpse up, attaching her skull to her pelvis and sticking candles in her eye sockets.


CuteGoblinGirl t1_iyeqzo7 wrote

People show respect to the dead in different ways and cultures and their boundaries should be honored.


meeraage t1_iyf0jdc wrote

Well, I wanna demonstrate my respect for the dead by documenting all the cool-ass shit they got turned into.


Agent847 t1_iye54p8 wrote

Donโ€™t go giving these people ideas.


KingMob9 t1_iyeii6x wrote

For real, they went full garry's mod on them bones and don't want anyone to take photos? Right.


Bitter_Frosting_1597 t1_iyfb75f wrote

Yeah reduce this beautiful and haunting memorial to death as โ€œarts and crafts.โ€ Some people do not get art or other cultures


[deleted] t1_iyedt28 wrote



Oberlatz t1_iyei1ie wrote

One day my thrifty upcycled water bottle fleshlight will be considered centuries old spiritual practice :)


[deleted] t1_iyekfjc wrote



Oberlatz t1_iyfdn1n wrote

I don't know what to tell you about what the cultural-lensed perceptions of fleshlights will be by our great grandkids, but what I can say with absolute certainty is that if you think your opinion on something of this matter is more developed and mature than others, you aren't as far along the path of enlightenment as you think you are.


EmpireOfBits t1_iyf1x96 wrote

No one cares dude, the hypocrisy to say no photos when creating this thing is laughable.


Bitter_Frosting_1597 t1_iyfb0re wrote

Youโ€™re right, lots of boring, small minded midwesterners hereโ€ฆ death is a universally shared concept, is it really so strange to think that people of different cultures and time periods have different ways of respecting it?


FinancialTea4 t1_iyenhg7 wrote

That is fucking hilarious.

I don't think they'll mind if you take photos of the fun designs that have been made of their only bones. I think the point of offense has long been crossed on that.


Stickz99 t1_iye2st7 wrote


Edit: damn I made some people mad with this comment. I thought it was appropriate since the other comment pointing out that turning their skeletons into an arts and crafts project isnโ€™t particularly respectful, was a pretty valid point. And itโ€™s pretty silly to get all โ€œUHM ACKTUALLYโ€ about taking a picture of it for that reason.

But ok then I guess


daisybunny t1_iye8ddo wrote

The Crypt of the Capuchin is a wild place lol. All of the bones are from friars who lived there in the years leading up to its creation. They were buried in the sacred dirt and then they would run out of space, so they would remove bones so other friars could be buried in the sacred dirt post death. Thus lots of extra bones! There are varying stories about the friar who made the crypts, and his creative genius. Itโ€™s actually pretty impressive - he was talented thatโ€™s for sure. There are a number of rooms, such as โ€œthe room of the pelvisโ€.

The stewards of the Crypt insist it is not supposed to be macabre, but a representation of our mortality!


TurtleNutSupreme t1_iyedke9 wrote

Fun fact: the signature brown and white garb of the Capuchins is where we got the name for cappuccinos (and Capuchin monkeys).


maddyjk7 t1_iyenlda wrote

I have to wonder why they didnโ€™t dig deeper? And bury the others on top? But I also see itโ€™s home to 3700 remains. So I guess that really does explain


EphemeralSun t1_iyf7hbl wrote

The soil stops becoming sacred the farther you dig down as the sinfulness of hell radiates upwards, obviously.


TaiCat t1_iyfc1hc wrote

But if they dug deeper, we wouldnโ€™t have all these spooky scary skeletons!


thesmellofiron t1_iye6ork wrote

Really liked the sign in there that said, "What you are now we once were, what we are now will become you.".


NaSMaXXL t1_iydv8r9 wrote

I wonder if at any point the one of the guys doing this was like:


"Yes, Louis?"

"This...this is kinda fucked up..."

"...meh, got do something with all these plague bodies..."


EmpireOfBits t1_iyf2q0b wrote

>The pope's brother, Cardinal Antonio Barberini, who was of the Capuchin Order, in 1631 ordered the remains of thousands of Capuchin friars exhumed and transferred from the friary on the Via dei Lucchesi to the crypt. The bones were arranged along the walls in varied designs, and the friars began to bury their own dead here, as well as the bodies of poor Romans whose tomb was under the floor of the present Mass chapel. Here the Capuchins would come to pray and reflect each evening before retiring for the night.


Bitter_Frosting_1597 t1_iyfbgcm wrote

It was actually socially acceptable and even an honor to have your body memorialized like this. You know, Jesus freaks


nikshdev t1_iye1tv8 wrote

As I remember, taking photos is strictly prohibited there.


striderwhite t1_iydkrol wrote

This is "memento mori" gone too far!


Rabid_Kiwi t1_iydjs71 wrote

I kind of want this on my bedroom ceilingโ€ฆ


gabbercharles t1_iyei8km wrote

Fun fact, the famous Italian coffee beverage 'Cappuccino' is named after Capuchin Friars, who sport robes of similar colours.


FAUST_VII t1_iyey0id wrote

And if i do it ppl call me weird


lokifrog1 t1_iye8hbv wrote

Looks like the westworld intro


Stellanetti t1_iyewzxs wrote

Just visited this September! Was awesome!


miliduh t1_iyeyphx wrote

Sill better use of dead people than a graveyard.


rblue t1_iyfamis wrote

Been to Sedlec Ossuary in Kutna Hora. Highly suggest this, that, or any of these places. It is goddamn crazy. ๐Ÿ˜


Mistoku t1_iye4ljb wrote

This looks lile a beach visited by hungry hungry seagulls.


davrilsdorm t1_iye8b1t wrote

proof that gravity isn't real


Kevjamwal t1_iyeau8i wrote

it's really hard to tell, but what are the circles? all vertebrae?


Pindarr t1_iyeuhgv wrote

Looks like it. The hole on each one would be from the spinal cord


Garmgarmgarmgarm t1_iyei6nw wrote

It's not a cappuccini unless you steam and foam the bones


wombatsareawesome t1_iyfahqj wrote

This was the only place I've ever just noped the hell out of. The smell of the place just freaked me out.