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t1_j4zhtto wrote

Ugh fuck this. I physically recoiled when I opened this picture


t1_j4zkzxs wrote

Who let this bitch outside?

OP, keep’em coming! Loving the series


t1_j4zl48n wrote

Imagine your car cuts suddenly while driving a dark highway, it’s your battery cable, it came loose when you hit a pothole. You get out, pop the hood, see the problem from the moonlight, reapply the cable as best you can. Get back in and starter up! Cut the lights on but unbeknownst to you that's what in your rearview mirror as you pull off and as it says on the mirror “objects are closer then they appear”.


t1_j4zlx7r wrote

You'll need reverse gear with this, maybe you feel a bump for a second or she will be your shotgun for the rest of your life


t1_j4zpet2 wrote

This one in my opinion is the best one yet, she feels so out of place, the red glow, being in the middle of nowhere with a hag in your most vulnerable spot, she's smiling, just really unsettling and very well done.


t1_j4zua1i wrote

After driving away and running over the hell hound hag, you're finally free, until you run out of gas. How unfortunate, you check the trunk a gas canister but its just spare wheels, you decide to sleep in for the night, but as soon as you lay down you see a figure in your review mirror, yiu wuickly panic and look behind your car and see nothing, you sigh in relief and lay back down before she appears beside you and eats you alive.


t1_j4zvak5 wrote

I follow you on fb! Glad to see your art here too. This one's great.


t1_j503hwy wrote

For a morbid death demon, gram gram's girls have lasted the test of time.

Good on you gram gram!


t1_j50dsxi wrote

Time to call Kyle and let him know his mother in law is out again


t1_j50vjfm wrote

I have enjoyed your art.

Just a comment. With a face that old, and wearing a nightgown, her breasts would be much lower. She looks like she’s wearing a bra under a nightgown, something that hardly ever happens.

How do I know this?

I’m 72.


t1_j50wvwg wrote

Looks great! You should do the inside mirror looking past the back seat to see her outside. Then another after a "blink" to bring her in the backseat. Love the Hag series


t1_j5169a7 wrote

If this turned out to be a gif and like, suddenly her face took up the whole mirror, I would actually have pooped in terror.


t1_j5191pr wrote

These are fantastic. I literally jumped when I opened Reddit and saw this.


t1_j51ejzh wrote

When I opened the picture, it's josco, scary ... Goosebumps ...


t1_j51f1bf wrote

That lady is 0.5 seconds away from eating as much dust as my engine can kick into her face.


t1_j51hst8 wrote

Amazing! If I may make a suggestion, I would think if you add the side of the car, it would look more realistic and scarier


t1_j51ixkr wrote

I've been thinking if this would happen driving out into an empty boy scout camp at night.


t1_j51pc7y wrote

At first I thought the mirror was more of a portal and she was warping space and time to come through to our side. Lol


t1_j51pede wrote

My headcannon is the dude seeing the hag is very well haunted, but he's also through with this beings nonsense so he's more inconvenienced than anything


t1_j51t2jc wrote

Why do I love the Hag so much? I've seen all your posts about it and your work is simply amazing!


t1_j51vddv wrote

Granny is absolutely booking it. Looks like all that cardio finally paid off!


t1_j51vhen wrote

It brings love….KILL IT!! (Mr. Burns)


t1_j52a2q9 wrote

I’m assuming someone else had said this in the other parts of the series but

The taking of Deborah Logan comes to mind.

This is scarier


t1_j52hu8u wrote

That's kinda rude you called her that she just wants to play some bingo


t1_j52ky8v wrote

This series reminds me of just how little value our society places on elderly women.

With nothing left to offer they are shunned and reviled.

Why else should they trigger feelings of revulsion and disgust?


t1_j52macv wrote

Is anybody getting Mr.Burns vibes from the X Files episode of the Simpson?

“I bring you love”


t1_j52mw1m wrote

And i was just gonna go to bed. Damn you squeaky staircase ...


t1_j53ucpx wrote

Bruh, I drive roads like this on a nightly basis. Thanks a lot for putting this idea in my head.


t1_j53zlb9 wrote

Makes me think of hereditary, although I’m sure you hear that a lot lol


t1_j540430 wrote

God damn it Kevin granny got out of the car again she must REALLY not want to go back to the nursing home


t1_j541mij wrote

This reminds me of the night I tried DMT and looked out my rear view mirror and thought someone was standing right behind my care starring into my eyes. Good times.


t1_j54bnrv wrote

boomers: don't stare it's rude

boomers when someone has a lgbt flag bumper sticker:


t1_j54cmhr wrote

This reminds me of one of Mr. Nightmare’s pizza delivery stories, this exact thing happened


t1_j5b07m0 wrote

I don't know what's scarier the fact that the mirror shows that thing or the fact that the car doesn't appear on the mirror .


t1_j5crauw wrote

I'd be ever more frightened if she was slightly blurred as if to be running at the vehicle