Submitted by t3_10r12vv in dataisbeautiful

My actual weight is the orange line. The dashed line is my projected weight loss based on calorie deficit. They grey area shows the deviation from projected weight loss.

I counted calorie intake every day and subtracted my BMR measured on a Tanita Body comp. analyzer as well as active calories measured on a smart watch to get my daily calorie deficit. Then I simply divided my calorie deficit in kcal by 7700 to get my daily projected weight loss in Kgs.

I should say my calorie intake on Fridays and Saturdays are qualified guesses as I have been hitting the town quite a bit on weekends. It's probably why it gets a bit wonky around weekends.

I'll carry on in February. My end goal is around 75 kgs.

Oh and the green line is my body fat in Kgs



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t1_j6tfio3 wrote

Firstly, this is both interesting data and a remarkable achievement. To lose 6.5 kgs in a month is enormous - congratulations. That said this means that you're creating a ~1,600 kcal deficit per day (assuming this was through both dietary restriction and exercise). My only word of caution would be to proactively slow down progress from here. A more sustainable weight loss objective would be ~0.5 kg/week, to help maintain endocrine and metabolic function. Even at this rate you'll reach your goal in a mere 15 weeks!

Continuing weight loss at the rate expressed in January will likely disrupt your HPTA and overall metabolic function. Importantly, this rate of weight loss will, undoubtedly, begin to catabolize muscle and lean tissue - there is rarely-to-never a circumstance where you want less muscle, assuming your goals are aesthetics, fitness, longevity, disease prevention, and general human well being. :)


OP t1_j6tjc26 wrote

This was a result of 10 km briskly paced walking daily plus quite a restricted diet. I agree with you that 6½ kgs is a lot in a month and I do plan to tone it down a little from now on.

I think it's interesting that the calculated caloric deficit matches my actual weight loss so accurately. The raw data from today show a difference of 50 grams!


t1_j6wyzoj wrote

> I think it's interesting that the calculated caloric deficit matches my actual weight loss so accurately

Why? Isn't that exactly what you should expect?


OP t1_j6x52y9 wrote

Yes absolutely but what I find fascinating is that the measurements of caloric intake, BMR and active calories are so spot on.


t1_j6ujr7b wrote

Data is beautiful, but I feel the background is totally unnecessary and distracting.

Keep up with your progress!


t1_j6wz91z wrote

From the way you talk I'd assume you know but keep in mind that bodyfat measurements are almost all relatively inaccurate and imprecise. I suppose the precision doesn't matter much if you do it over longer times to see the trend.


t1_j6tmuee wrote

This is very similar to me. I went from 86kg to 81kg in January. I noticed that after going on intense exercise, I can lose over half a kg from sweating out water. Which means I have cycles of "fake" weight loss whenever I exercise.

My end goal is 68kg. Since I'm 179cm tall 32 year old man, 63-79kg is the healthy range. Good Luck with your journey.


OP t1_j6tp1jn wrote

Thanks a lot. You too. I'm 47m 185 cm so I should definitely weigh a bit more than you.

Re the water loss: I try to offset that by drinking lots of water during the day. I definitely pee more than I used to so I guess I'm drinking enough. :⁠-⁠)


t1_j6uasaj wrote

The gap between the two is mostly preserved, meaning you didn't lose much lean mass. That's pretty remarkable; usually, weight loss inevitably includes some reduction of muscle mass.

You mention in another comment it was cardio (walking) and calorie deficit. Did you do any cardio regularly before now? New leg muscle growth might explain the preserved lean mass. At any rate, congratz on the progress.


OP t1_j6ucmpn wrote

Yeah muscle mass has remained pretty stable throughout the month. My Tanita reported between 58,5 and 61 kgs. Thank god for that.

I have done a fair amount of walking before but I have been pretty lazy in 2022 and much of 2021.


t1_j6v7a97 wrote

Well done on the weight loss! I used to watch The Biggest Loser on TV and this sort of data fascinates me. How's the diet going? Do you enjoy the foods you eat now or do you miss the old stuff?


OP t1_j6w5rdt wrote

I do miss the old stuff but it gets easier I find. I have mostly swapped potatoes, rice and pasta for vegetables and more or less kept the meat so that helps.


t1_j6vu1u1 wrote

I am on a fast right now and I have created something similar.
For my case I have added vertical lines indicating weeks, some dashed horizontal lines for BMI (which in my case is more interesting to me, since I am trying to leave "obese" into a cozy "overweight" lol) and I am not giving dates but rather days since start.

Nice progress, keep doing what you are doing.


t1_j6xpyx7 wrote

What physical activities were you doing? How many calories were you consuming? I am of a similar weight (91 kg) and my end goal is also around 75 kg. Try to eat healthy, but unfortunately, I have a sedentary lifestyle.


OP t1_j6y3fr9 wrote

It should be noted i went pretty much all in: No more than 1500 calories/day and a 10km walk every day. My life is pretty sedentary too. Note that my calorie intake on Friday and Saturday was around the 3k mark but I compensate by having two 600 calorie days a week.

Oh, and i drink two litres of water a day.


t1_j6t0q3s wrote

I think you deserve to take a break a little, maybe one week without a diet and then you will start again. You should definitely reward yourself


OP t1_j6tjk9v wrote

Oh I will. When I reach 80 kilos I'll treat myself. Looking forward to it.