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skilliard7 t1_j6vyna3 wrote

Unpopular opinion, but I don't think Tiktok addiction is any worse than videogame addiction. And I say this as someone that plays games(responsibly) and doesn't really use Tiktok(I only look at videos my friend sends me)

I know a LOT of people my age that let videogames get in the way of their responsibilities. It's a big contributor to the declining labor force participation rate in young men and poor academic outcomes.

Tiktok isn't really any worse than any other social media. Like why is it wrong for people to spend an hour a day on TikTok, but okay for people to spend all day on Reddit/YouTube?


ClassOptimal7655 t1_j6y65mn wrote

Tiktok even starts showing reminders to take a break from the app, I've never seen anything like that on Facebook, or Youtube.


Suspicious-Till174 t1_j6xcn5l wrote

Maybe due to the specific design of the interaction. I don't want to pick sides here and i think you have a point there. But maybe tiktok is too good at what it is doing. Maybe this only affects certain people.