
skilliard7 t1_je8o9rv wrote

Powell also said that inflation is transitory and that the fed wouldn't hike rates until 2023, but he broke that promise and caused SVB to fail as a result. He has said he will make decisions based on the data that comes in, but right not they're targeting maintaining rates until 2024.

If there are more signs of inflation declining and/or unemployment increasing, rates can absolutely come down


skilliard7 t1_jcfkige wrote

Dark patterns are essentially a form of user interface design where you make the buttons you want the user to press more prominent than buttons you don't want them to press. For example the "buy now" button will be big and bright in the center, whereas the "no thanks" button would be in the corner and small in a less eye-catching color. The idea is users generally take the path of least resistance, so you can manipulate behavior by making it easier for the user to spend money.

In the case of Fortnite though, I'm not sure what in their interface is a dark pattern, I find it pretty clear that I'll be charged. But it's possible they may have changed it in response to the lawsuit before I started playing. Or maybe kids were just playing dumb to avoid getting in trouble for impulsively charging their parents cards. "I didn't know I was spending money!"


skilliard7 t1_j9orusg wrote

Eh, I disagree. I've been approached for jobs that pay $200k+ but turned them down due to many of the other factors listed.

My comfort and job satisfaction is worth more to me than a higher salary. Money doesn't buy happiness, and a bit of extra money in the bank doesn't make up for all of the other stress.


skilliard7 t1_j6vyna3 wrote

Unpopular opinion, but I don't think Tiktok addiction is any worse than videogame addiction. And I say this as someone that plays games(responsibly) and doesn't really use Tiktok(I only look at videos my friend sends me)

I know a LOT of people my age that let videogames get in the way of their responsibilities. It's a big contributor to the declining labor force participation rate in young men and poor academic outcomes.

Tiktok isn't really any worse than any other social media. Like why is it wrong for people to spend an hour a day on TikTok, but okay for people to spend all day on Reddit/YouTube?