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Fish_On_again t1_j6xypql wrote

I'm actually really looking forward to reading those links, I don't have the time to now. I do know that my area just set a record, this is the first January we've ever had with no daytime highs under 30°.

Edit:. Ugh warmer and more snow.


Fish_On_again t1_j6ygta0 wrote

Thought this was interesting

>The wintertime NAO also exhibits significant multi-decadal variability (Hurrell 1995, Chelliah and Bell 2005). For example, the negative phase of the NAO dominated the circulation from the mid-1950's through the 1978/79 winter. During this approximately 24-year interval, there were four prominent periods of at least three years each in which the negative phase was dominant and the positive phase was notably absent. In fact, during the entire period the positive phase was observed in the seasonal mean only three times, and it never appeared in two consecutive years.

>An abrupt transition to recurring positive phases of the NAO then occurred during the 1979/80 winter, with the atmosphere remaining locked into this mode through the 1994/95 winter season. During this 15-year interval, a substantial negative phase of the pattern appeared only twice, in the winters of 1984/85 and 1985/ 86. However, November 1995 - February 1996 (NDJF 95/96) was characterized by a return to the strong negative phase of the NAO. Halpert and Bell (1997; their section 3.3) recently documented the conditions accompanying this transition to the negative phase of the NAO.


Lohikaarme27 t1_j6yjpt5 wrote

That link is really interesting. Especially where it says a negative NAO is typically associated with below-average temps in the Eastern US


Fish_On_again t1_j6ykl39 wrote

Yeah, even though for this cold snap it's quite positive, and our newest warm up next week coincides with the NAO going neutral.