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BigPoppaPuff t1_j78ixgh wrote

> I’m currently writing my thesis on wage gaps

And if the majority of the people doing so are women, that explains the wage gap right there…


Simon676 t1_j78jvc4 wrote

I'm studying economy, and I'm not a woman. What exactly are you trying to say with this comment? That this official data published by highly regulated governmental agencies, that is backed by a scientific consensus, is biased?


BigPoppaPuff t1_j78kdvi wrote

You know what they say about people who graduate with degrees in economics, they’ll be able to articulate why they can’t get a job! Lol


Simon676 t1_j78lm8v wrote

Wow... please take your bigotry elsewhere.

Not done with my studies yet, will be working towards a degree in engineering with a focus towards IT where I'll earn 70k/month SEK.

I hope you can find happiness in life.


BigPoppaPuff t1_j78mkpa wrote

"bigotry" against whom? Economics PhDs? Lol

Congrats on your flexing about making USD $80K though, lol, glad you aren't insecure.


Simon676 t1_j78qcnl wrote

>Congrats on your flexing about making USD $80K though, lol, glad you aren't insecure.

Well that part was just an inside joke you weren't supposed to get, no worries ;)