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t1_j88ffkr wrote

Most of these people aren’t really celebrities, they’re just rich.


t1_j89ppcv wrote

I've literally never heard of 5 of these couples and couldn't tell you for a billion dollars what those people did for a living.


t1_j89xqcn wrote

Besides Bezos, West, and Woods, I couldn’t tell you either. Although, I have a sneaking suspicion that the Murdocks have a blind son who fights crime up in New York.


t1_j8crdfd wrote

Bernie Ecclestone is quite famous. He owns Formula 1

Steve Wynn owns casinos and played a big role in creating todays Las Vegas.

Adnan Kashoggi was an arms dealer and was related to the journalist, Jamal Kashoggi, who was murdered by Saudi Arabia.

Harold Hamm founded Continental Resources, one of the first companies to exploit US shale oil resources.


t1_j89ez5h wrote

Being a celebrity simply means you are famous. And all of these people are famous. Who doesn't know who Jeff Bezos, Kanye West, Kim Kardashion, and Tiger Woods are?


t1_j89gmij wrote

I don't think those were the names he was referring to...


t1_j89n0dc wrote

Those were the only names I recognized. So I guess they were r/TechnicallyCorrect.


t1_j89s9lp wrote

He said 'most of' them arent famous. You named three out of the 10 couples


t1_j8aw3k6 wrote

They're all famous though. In modern times. If you're famous enough to have a Wikipedia entry about you, you're famous.


t1_j8lydzv wrote

There are possibility of wikipedia pages for literally anything as long as you have sources and they have any significance in anywhere whatsoever. Would you consider someone really not well known who has some significance in small subculture and isn't known outside small group of people a celebrity?


t1_j8njn8v wrote

Yes. Like I don't know any of the people who compete in horse jumping and I suspect most of the world doesn't. But they're all famous. Someone like David Chalmbers is a complete and total rockstar in philosophy... but broadly the world doesn't know who he is.

The term celebrity simply refers to being known. Sometimes the word is modified "local celebrity" to refer to people who are well known only in your town or city.


t1_j8cqgl8 wrote

That was very well done. More than that seeing how many are falling for it.

Good job. Not well rewarded tho.


t1_j89xz2o wrote

KK wasnt rich, then she started sleeping with black men, now shes a billionaire. Make of that what you will


t1_j882rx1 wrote

Is the scale ... logarithmic? Or just in rank order.

Did this need to be a graph?


t1_j8846tb wrote

Y axis is neither Linear or logarithmic, you can see the very evenly spaced gap between each couple even though the differences various videly, it's more of a illustration of who is higher/lower than the next. The size of the circle "seems" more accurate with the settlement amount


t1_j889sbt wrote

So…. Its rank order, just as the comment asked


t1_j88dbzz wrote

Yes, rank order, but without unit notation so you have to implicitly assume the rank order (order direction) and rank upper/lower limit and interval. So yeah half baked rank order.


t1_j88nb39 wrote

The legend says the size of the dot is the settlement size. And the y axis is labelled ranking.


t1_j889qou wrote

Both Adnan Khashoggi and Alec Wildenstein were owners of Ol Pejeta ranch in Kenya at different times (Adnan sold it to Alec and his wife Jocelyn transformed it into a luxury camp in the 1990s got perhaps cat obsession there).

Adnan bought stuff in Kenya from another billionaire... Tiny Rowland owner of Lonrho and friend of Al-Fayed. I think Al Fayed bank rolled Adnan.

Ol Pejeta is still owned by an anonymous billionaire (Wildensteins sold it) who turned it into a conservancy owned/run by a trust.

Adnan also bought Mt. Kenya Safari Club and turned it into a billionaires nest (place where Jack made first ever tweet from Kenya about 2009)

Bill Gates bought an Island last month in Malindi close to the property of Flavio Briatore, an Italian Billionaire who lives in Kenya and bought Naomi Campbell's her home (now a resort) in Kenya.

Bill Gates though is not alone Richard Branson owns stuff in Kenya too and has a popular camp resort inside Maasai Mara. Coincidentally Bill Gates loves the Mara, he camped there for new years 31st December 1999 with his then young family.

Seems billionaires like to flock. Where there is one there is plenty of others even though it doesn't seem they even interact in anyway. In places like Kenya no less.

There are others but like to be more discreet.


t1_j8clp5m wrote

I honeymooned in the mara last year and if money wasn't an object I'd holiday there all the time too. Might never get the chance again to be honest since we got it "bride goes free" deal.

Beautiful area I was genuinely sad to leave


t1_j88gcsr wrote

Imagine not having to suck Jeff Bezos' dick anymore AND getting $40 billion! Living the fucking dream!


t1_j8945nq wrote

Its disgusting in my opinion. Neither a woman or a man should be entitled to that much of someone else’s accomplishments. I think a person should be entitled to have what they brought to the marriage plus a set amount designed to help transition out of the relationship. Child support is a separate issue. That said I still dont see how any kids need several hundred thousand dollars per month.


t1_j8cd00y wrote

Except they're bourgeois pigs who didn't accomplish anything anyway

Also, what if one person is a stay at home parent? They're helping and working just as hard if not harder than their partner, but they don't make money. Should they just leave with nothing?


t1_j89mc7k wrote

Kids have the right to benefit from the wealth/earnings of both their parents, as they would if the parents were together.


t1_j8ap32f wrote

What if the majority of wealth was created during the marriage?


t1_j8bd61n wrote

If both parties are equally involved in earning that wealth, they can both be entitled to half.

If one earned all the money, and the other earned nothing, the latter should not be entitled to anywhere near half.


t1_j8bppuw wrote

So if both people in the relationship have the exact same job with the same pay. They come to a mutual decision that one of them will be the full time child carer for their children as it suits both parents over any other alternative.

Now the parent still working can further progress into their career earning progressively more money. They divorce 20 years after that decision and it is your opinion that because they didn't earn that money they are entitled to way less than their partner?

As somebody that works in law that is not equitable at all to me. You've made a joint decision to impact someone's career and future earnings for everyone's benefit and now they are being punished for it unduly.


t1_j883ls7 wrote

Very surprised at the Wests divorce, I thought the pair of them ran on loaned money and had been bankrupt before


t1_j88857e wrote

You thought two of the most famous and successful people in entertainment for the last 15+ years were broke?

They’ve also got very successful business deals like the Yeezy sneakers. If anything I would have thought they’d be worth more.


t1_j8ag0xf wrote

Earning is one side of the equation, spending it is the other, they were both very good at spending, and even though they were never out of the media, the very successful business deals were anything but.


t1_j8llnkg wrote

You really brought up a bankruptcy article from 2016 as if Kanye didn't shortly after launch his Yeezy line with Adidas that has been the most popular shoe in the west for the past 5+ years now.

The dude made Adidas and Balenciaga BILLIONS of dollars in revenue, so much so that other companies were lining up at his door to save their fashion brands, up until his very public meltdown late last year.

With all the contracts he had before his meltdown, he was valued at around 5-6 billion dollars.


t1_j889djf wrote

I had a look, I think the figure is very wrong and is a statement of how much money was on the table at the time - their combined wealth being the $2.7b.

From what I can see, it would appear, following his Yeezey brand disaster, she is both far more liquid than he is, but her net worth is now about $300m or so more than his.

I think they have split their $75m shared assets, the only agreement beyond this is his $166,000 per month per child payments, at $199,200 per annum. There is no spouse support

I think Kim's quite unfairly included in this list as, unlike others on here (I promise this isn't meant to as sexist, the theory would work identically if I included a wealthy woman and her husband - think J.K. Rowling and her husband - a doctor - divorcing), Kim was independently very wealthy (circa $ 750m), she has seemingly accepted a split of their joint owned assets, child support and joint custody.


t1_j88uav8 wrote

Because they are cancelled, the media will project they are poor and unsuccessful.


t1_j88rcrm wrote

The whole half just for being married to a rich person is down right lunacy.

The US really is the wild west


t1_j8cgm53 wrote

It's said Michael Jordan has a $ 1 million per year of marriage clause.

Part of any serious relationship is a business transaction between two adults. It can be this along with many other things: loving, sacrificial, religious, etc.

Edit: Don't understand the downvotes. MJ is worth 1.7B. I was indicating this clause is MJ's self-protection.


t1_j8cpxzu wrote

Ridiculous. The whole "maintain a lifestyle to which I have been accustomed..." Or whatever it is, is absurd.


t1_j8dmj9n wrote

I don't understand.

MJ is worth 1.7B. 1M per year of marriage is MJ protecting himself. It seems like a reasonable middle ground.


t1_j88gwnt wrote

We need a payoff rate on this. “Millions per year of marriage!”


t1_j88fu0w wrote

At least show the vertical axis was shortened; otherwise you make 40bn about 10% more than $6.2


t1_j897a34 wrote

Kashoggi has the worst ending!! After the lavish life the amount of wealth the out of this world parties!! He got destroyed and ended up alone in wheelchair broken and died with no publications nor nothing.


t1_j8crybu wrote

That was Jamal. This chart shows his relative’s (Adnan) divorce.

Edit: fixed relationship


t1_j8cs73k wrote

I didn’t even say anything about Jamal. I was talking about Adnan the one ☝️in the graph


t1_j8csfbu wrote

And he is not his dad FYI he’s from the same family they all from same household


t1_j8am3vx wrote

Beautiful chart. Very nice! Only issue is the y-axis 'suggesting' there is scale.


t1_j8bfj2z wrote

I always mistake Bezos for Howie Mandel in this graph. Always.


t1_j8cqzhv wrote

Dmitry Rybolovlev’s divorce settlement was more than 3 billion dollars. Or this is only for American people?


t1_j891084 wrote

Common scam to get out of stocks and not have to pay capital gains


t1_j8bdyll wrote

The lesson here is that if you're rich, don't get married. Even if you get a prenup, the other person is still entitled to half of what is earned during the marriage.


t1_j8cdies wrote

If ur ever rich.....never ever be stupid enough to get married or let the emotion of love blind u. If u love her/him, instead of going through some stupid cultural tradition that society forces down ur throat since ur 5 years old, just keep her as ur girlfriend/boyfriend/partner for the rest of ur life and ur set.

....comning from a guy who hates being the center of attention and playing dress up.

Like Mackenzie bezos.....what the heck was the reason for getting married to some teacher and now ur divorced again, lady legit was married to discount lex luthor for like 30 years, divorces and was like, time to get married again ....smh.....whatev, do whatever the heck u want


t1_j88aznu wrote

Best example why not to get married and make as many prenups as possible


t1_j88cjvj wrote

Dudes on reddit who make $15/hr, own nothing, and are perpetually lonely: "Yeah bro, women are basically banging down my door to take half of my fortune."


t1_j89i8h0 wrote

People on Reddit, who witness injustice in one of its many forms and call it out even when it doesn’t affect them personally:

“This is wrong.”

People on Reddit, who think that anything that hurts men is okay:

“Nobody wants you anyways.”


t1_j8eh29k wrote

Two people voluntarily agreeing to become equal partners in a government sanctioned union, is not an "injustice", just because one person doesn't want to live with that decision when it doesn't benefit them.

It's also something that isn't even exclusive to men. A wealthy woman is going to have her fortune split up just the same, which is yet another reason crying over this being an "injustice for men" is utterly asinine.


t1_j88ffp9 wrote

15$/hr is more than 95% of people make in the world so whats your point?


t1_j88hr11 wrote

My point is that I'm making fun of you for being one those red pill/mgtow weirdos. I thought that was pretty obvious.


t1_j8a5p73 wrote

Tell us you hate men without saying it.


t1_j8crcep wrote

She said she hates red pillers and misogynists, how does that imply she hates men?


t1_j8e2mjq wrote

Not true. She made fun of him by accusing him of being a lonely man (Red Pill/MGTOW), which by the way has nothing to do with being misogynistic.

And this rhetorical attack is the very hallmark of misandrists.