
Razatiger t1_j8llnkg wrote

You really brought up a bankruptcy article from 2016 as if Kanye didn't shortly after launch his Yeezy line with Adidas that has been the most popular shoe in the west for the past 5+ years now.

The dude made Adidas and Balenciaga BILLIONS of dollars in revenue, so much so that other companies were lining up at his door to save their fashion brands, up until his very public meltdown late last year.

With all the contracts he had before his meltdown, he was valued at around 5-6 billion dollars.


Razatiger t1_j8lkujs wrote

Its not even about "idiots" its about the actual infrastructure of these roads. I honestly think people in 3rd world countries can control a car better then a lot of people in western countries just from the nature of how people drive. I think the problem comes because roads are poorly paved (Pot holes, bad condition) theres little to no signs, general overcrowding and lack of sidewalks.