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Drink15 t1_j8ffv2x wrote

Trade jobs might not have the status as someone with a degree but you can make just as much if not more on some cases.


LilyWhitesN17 t1_j8fvzva wrote

You can make a good living with trades, rivaling degree programs, however, they take s toll on the body, and your earnings potential is less than with a degree.


friedguy t1_j8gx1fq wrote

Yeah, don't get me wrong I believe we need to encourage more people to enter the trades and general blue collar work. But we also shouldn't pretend is just as cut and dry as just earnings. My best friend from high school didn't go to college and worked for FedEx right off the bat. He paid his dues and ended up making really good money for a while, but we're both in early '40s and he's got a myriad of health problems and it's getting harder and harder for him to want to work while my work is steadily getting easier in life. I feel like the hardest I ever worked was in my late twenties to mid-thirties, both workload wise and the mental stress of proving myself... Since then it's been smooth sailing, I would be glad to continue doing what I'm doing for about as long as possible.

My friend is not a great example oh how to do things because he's lived beyond his means and perhaps miscalculated or just chose to ignore the reality that is kind of work would get tougher as he got older. However, I've got an uncle who retired with the post office early, and lived very modestly, invested his money, etc. He has a hell of a good retirement for a guy who never got a formal education. I honestly don't see my friends retirement after FedEx to be that great based on things he talks about.


LilyWhitesN17 t1_j8hu5qk wrote

I think on America we only care about feeding the college machine. If you are in high school and don't plan on going to college, the guidance counselor has nothing for you. I went to high school in both the USA and in the UK. In the UK it's 5yrs, and in your 4th year you start going to apprenticeships a few afternoons a week where you start to learn a trade, car body repair, brocklayer, plumber, etc.. after 2yrs of that, you finish school, and they take you on as an apprentice.


friedguy t1_j8i7b3z wrote

I have a really good plumber, he's been working on my home and rental property for over 10 years and I trust the hell out of him. We've traded life stories and he's made the same comment about apprenticeships, that is how he learned the basics.

His opinion is but the problem is on both sides, quality youngsters these days aren't that interested in doing something like that but also most successful plumbers don't want to bother because there's not much long term incentive. That used to be that you could train up a young guy and he would be an asset to you for years until he was ready to be in his own business but nowadays everybody wants instant gratification.

I can't disagree, I went through a corporate banking training program myself and by the time it ended I was already applying for other jobs with my new and improved resume rather than wanting to stick around. My old bank's training program still exists but it's really been reduced to a one week crash course rather than a month out of state.

He's told me his own son is a teenager and not showing much aptitude for college life and says he'd like to follow his dad's footsteps. Says he is torn because he'd love to trade up his son but only if his son puts his best foot forward, just like he's also willing to fund his college education but it would piss him off to watch his son just party it up and graduate with an easy degree.


LilyWhitesN17 t1_j8ir52p wrote

I think the college model we have is all about sales, and selling the college experience, when it should be about getting the skills to fill a position in business...somewhere. All the other ancillary football and basketball stuff is nice, but why am I paying for that? When the highest paid state employee is the football and basketball coach, there's a problem.


SadMacaroon9897 t1_j8gpp6o wrote

>rivaling degree programs

Greatly depends on the degree. They are not created equal.


bitNine t1_j8gi301 wrote

Dude, my son is 20 making $120k because he got his CDL and drivers are in high demand. Fuckin schools were on his ass about college but he just wants to drive. Good for him.


melodyknows t1_j8h2qm7 wrote

I have a cousin who did this and earned enough money to pay for an advanced degree this way. Now he has a great job teaching at a university overseas.


kileydmusic t1_j8hml2j wrote

100%. I work at a hospital as a Sterile Processing Tech III and my base pay is $19.56. I majored in Anthropology and would not have any kind of related job had I gotten my bachelor's.


theNorrah t1_j8k7081 wrote

But you increase the toll on your body, and your chances of serious harm increases immensely.

Furthermore, if you harm your body too much, you become worthless in your field (and this might sound a bit harsh but I’m making a point)


Drink15 t1_j8kj1dg wrote

Depends on the trade and you can always start company and hire people. Some college level jobs can be hazardous too.


Ed_Chambers_PP t1_j8ifrt6 wrote

Most trade jobs I worked would require a lot of overtime to make what I do as a graduate and none of them had benefits.


winespring t1_j8igbk1 wrote

>Trade jobs might not have the status as someone with a degree but you can make just as much if not more on some cases.

Any Foreign country positioning themselves to compete with the US in the next 50 years would have to love this line of thinking. A country that prioritizes trades over college education will not be able to compete with China(for example)


Drink15 t1_j8ijhvb wrote

I'm not saying to prioritize trades over a college education. I'm saying it's an option many people overlook. Overall, we need a balance of high, mid, and low level workers.