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Chiperoni t1_ja8e63i wrote

Just moved to Iowa and am pleasantly surprised by all the wind energy and ethanol-including gas.


Cunninghams_right t1_ja9214p wrote

it is actually questionable whether ethanol is actually better. it takes a lot of energy to produce and transport. some studies actually have it being worse than gasoline.


vtTownie t1_jaa62jp wrote

Ya you have a 15-30% reduction in fuel mileage to begin with


Sure_Monk8528 t1_jaet8i0 wrote

It does reduce knock though (I don't know what percentage it requires for that). It just couldn't be patented so we drove a few generations of people to unhinged criminality instead.


Chiperoni t1_ja93rwy wrote

Yeah but Iowa has hella corn so I think in this instance it probably is.


Cunninghams_right t1_jaa3lu2 wrote

it is even questionable within corn-producing areas, if memory serves. there are a lot of energy inputs just to grow a crop, then you have the energy of converting it to ethanol.


NaturalProof4359 t1_jabiqfu wrote

It’s terribly inefficient, in nearly all respects.

Only thing ethanol benefits non-insignificantly is farming conglomerates.


Jjjohn0404 t1_ja8v1kz wrote

I wonder how many other states have super unleaded being cheaper than regular unleaded