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Autistom t1_jahim73 wrote

No I dont really find that remarkable. On average, men are more interrested in things and women in people. Thats why the prefference difference is mostly the same acrost the world and why the female preffered professions pay less - you sell things easier than you sell empathy.

As to the IT guys vs Nurses example - there is no person deciding these things. No evil patriarch setting the wages. I would guess that there is greater demand for IT professionals (as they generate more profit) than for nurses on the market or that there are less people capable of becoming IT professionals than those capable of becomming nurses in the population. It has nothing to do with gender.


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahj1y6 wrote

I can’t help but feel like you still have a pretty basic misunderstanding of what the words “gender pay gap” describe.

An evil overlord is not really part of it.


Autistom t1_jahn7er wrote

Oh I think we agree on the fact that women preffered professions are paid less, even though not intentionally and that can be a meaning of these words.

But what most people take of the “pay gap” is that women are somehow paid less regardless of the profession and that is wrong and has severe consequences in the society.


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahp9nt wrote

> Oh I think we agree on the fact that women preffered professions are paid less, even though not intentionally and that can be a meaning of these words.

That is literally the meaning of those words. Anything else is just a failure to understand what the term was even referring to.


Kingkyle18 t1_jal3xg6 wrote

The term is literally used over and over for “women get paid less for doing the same thing a man does”…’s wrong and only gullible people fall for it


Kingkyle18 t1_jal3s1k wrote

You have it ingrained in your head that businesses are so greedy but they only want to pay men….both can’t be true


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jalbcoc wrote

You don’t seem to understand what the term gender pay gap describes


Kingkyle18 t1_jalcscn wrote

Haha you again saying that no one understands “gender pay gap”….glad you have your own understanding of words unique to yourself


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jaljfdo wrote

Most people understand it. You and the others who think it’s an attack on men clearly don’t